

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

M Sc Physics-Course-outcomes-19.09.2024

Course Outcomes - M Sc Physics

I year – I Semester

  • CO1 Understand use of bra-ket vector notation and explain the meaning of complete orthonormal set of basis vectors, and transformations and be able to apply them
  • CO2 Able to understand analytic functions, do complex integration, by applying Cauchy Integral Formula. Able to compute many real integrals and infinite sums via complex integration.
  • CO3 Analyze characteristics of matrices and its different types, and the process of diagonalization.
  • CO4 Solve equations using Laplace transform and analyze the Fourier transformations of different function, grasp how these transformations can speed up analysis and correlate their importance in technology
  • CO5 To find the solutions for physical problems using linear differential equations and to solve boundary value problems using Green’s function. Apply special functions in computation of solutions to real world problems
  • CO1 Understand the fundamentals of classical mechanics.
  • CO2 Apply the principles of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics to solve the equations of motion of physical systems.
  • CO3 Apply the principles of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics to solve the equations of motion of physical systems.
  • CO4 Analyze the small oscillations in systems and determine their normal modes of oscillations.
  • CO5 Understand and apply the principles of relativistic kinematics to the mechanical systems.
  • CO1 Learn about the basic concepts for the circuit configuration for the design of linear integrated circuits and develops skill to solve problems
  • CO2 Develop skills to design linear and non-linear applications circuits using Op-Amp and design the active filters circuits.
  • CO3 Gain knowledge about PLL, and develop the skills to design the simple circuits using IC 555 timer and can solve problems related to it.
  • CO4 Learn about various techniques to develop A/D and D/A converters.
  • CO5 Acquire the knowledge about the CMOS logic, combinational and sequential circuits
  • CO1 Understand the strength of material using Young’s modulus.
  • CO2 Acquire knowledge of thermal behaviour of the matetials.
  • CO3 Understand theoretical principles of magnetism through the experiments.
  • CO4 Acquire knowledge about arc spectrum and applications of laser
  • CO5 Improve the analytical and observation ability in Physics Experiments
  • CO6 Conduct experiments on applications of FET and UJT
  • CO7 Analyze various parameters related to operational amplifiers.
  • CO8 Understand the concepts involved in arithmatic and logical circuits using IC’s
  • CO9 Acquire knowledge about Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Logic Circuits
  • CO1 Acquire the Basic Concepts, Nucleation and Kinetics of crystal growth
  • CO2 Understand the Crystallization Principles and Growth techniques
  • CO3 Study various methods of Crystal growth techniques
  • CO4 Understand the Thin film deposition methods
  • CO5 Apply the techniques of Thin Film Formation and thickness Measurement
  • CO1Understand crystal symmetry and reciprocal lattice concept for X-ray diffraction
  • CO2Gain a working knowledge of X-ray generation, X-ray photography with Laue, oscillation and moving film methods, and space group determination
  • CO3Get an exposure to crystal structure determination using program packages
  • CO4Understand the instrumentation used for powder diffraction, data collection, data interpretation, and structure refinement using Rietveld method
  • CO5Get an insight into the structural aspects of proteins and nucleic acids, crystallization of proteins and methods to solve protein structures
  • CO1Acquire knowledge on optoelectronic materials
  • CO2Be able to prepare ceramic materials
  • CO3Be able to understand the processing and applications of polymeric materials
  • CO4Be aware of the fabrication of composite materials
  • CO5Be knowledgeable of shape memory alloys, metallic glasses and nanomaterials
  • CO1Understand the basic of nanoscience and explore the different types of nanomaterials and should comprehend the surface effects of the nanomaterials.
  • CO2Explore various physical, mechanical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties nanomaterials.
  • CO3Understand the process and mechanism of synthesis and fabrication of nanomaterials.
  • CO4Analyze the various characterization of Nano-products through diffraction, spectroscopic, microscopic and other techniques.
  • CO5Apply the concepts of nanoscience and technology in the field of sensors, robotics, purification of air and water and in the energy devices.
  • CO1 Discuss and compare the propagation of electromagnetic waves through sky and on earth’s surface Evaluate the energy and power radiated by the different types of antenna
  • CO2Compare and differentiate the methods of generation of microwaves analyze the propagation of microwaves through wave guides- discuss and compare the different methods of generation of microwaves
  • CO3Classify and compare the working of different radar systems- apply the principle of radar in detecting locating, tracking, and recognizing objects of various kinds at considerable distances – discuss the importance of radar in military- elaborate and compare the working of different picture tube
  • CO4Classify, discuss and compare the different types of optical fiber and also to justify the need of it-discover the use of optical fiber as wave guide
  • CO5Explain the importance of satellite communication in our daily life-distinguish between orbital and geostationary satellites elaborate the linking of satellites with ground station on the earth
  • CO1Recall and understand the electromagnetic ration from celestial objects. Analyze the wave nature of light in the form of ray diagram. Apply the knowledge of phenomenon of diffraction and asses, how diffraction limits the resolution of any system having a lens or mirror. Distinguish between reflecting and refracting telescopes and their usage.
  • CO2Correlate luminosity, flux and magnitude, related to the brightness of a star. Analyze the evolution of stars using HR diagram. Apply and examine the various laws related to temperature of a star. Assess the distance of stars, measured using trigonometric parallax method. Understand the position of star in the celestial sphere. Distinguish between sideral and universal time.
  • CO3 Define nuclear fusion, which is the fundamental energy source of stars. Analyze, how neutrinos are born during the process of nuclear fusion in the sun. Recall and explain the CNO cycle – the main source of energy of hotter stars. Comprehend stellar evolution, including red giants, supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars, white dwarfs and black holes, using evidence and presently accepted theories
  • CO4Remember and illustrate the structure of our Milky way galaxy. Classify the types of galaxies. Understand the presence of dark matter in the universe. Explain, how quasars and active galaxies are powered by supermassive black holes which produce copious luminosity.
  • CO5Explain cosmology, a branch of astronomy that involvesthe origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bangto today and on into the future. Define Hubble’s law ofcosmic expansion. Analyze and assess the big bangnucleosynthesis universe that explains the relative

I year – II Semester

  • CO1To examine and elaborate the effect of changes in thermodynamic quantities on the states of matter during phase transition
  • CO2To analyze the macroscopic properties such as pressure, volume, temperature, specific heat, elastic moduli etc. using microscopic properties like intermolecular forces, chemical bonding, atomicity etc. Describe the peculiar behaviour of the entropy by mixing two gases Justify the connection between statistics and thermodynamic quantities
  • CO3Differentiate between canonical and grand canonical ensembles and to interpret the relation between thermodynamical quantities and partition function
  • CO4To recall and apply the different statistical concepts to analyze the behaviour of ideal Fermi gas and ideal Bose gas and also to compare and distinguish between the three types of statistics.
  • CO5 To discuss and examine the thermodynamical behaviour of gases under fluctuation and also using Ising model
  • CO1Demonstrates a clear understanding of the basic postulates of quantum mechanics which serve to formalize the rules of quantum Mechanics
  • CO2Is able to apply and analyze the Schrodinger equation to solve one dimensional problems and three dimensional problems
  • CO3Can discuss the various representations, space time symmetries and formulations of time evolution
  • CO4Can formulate and analyze the approximation methods for various quantum mechanical problems
  • CO5 To apply non-commutative algebra for topics such as angular and spin angular momentum and hence explain spectral line splitting.
  • CO1 Solve the differential equations using Laplace equation and to find solutions for boundary value problems
  • CO2 Use Biot-Savart’s law and Ampere circuital law to find the magnetic induction & magnetic vector potential for various physical problems
  • CO3 Apply Maxwell’s equations to describe how electromagnetic field behaves in different media
  • CO4 Apply the concept of propagation of EM waves through wave guides in optical fiber communications and also in radar installations, calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients of electromagnetic waves
  • CO5 Investigate the interaction of ionized gases with self-consistent electric and magnetic fields
  • CO1 Understand the strength of material using Young’s modulus
  • CO2 Acquire knowledge of thermal behaviour of the materials
  • CO3 Understand theoretical principles of magnetism through the experiments.
  • CO4 Acquire knowledge about arc spectrum and applications of laser
  • CO5 Improve the analytical and observation ability in Physics Experiments
  • CO6 Conduct experiments on applications of FET and UJT
  • CO7 Analyze various parameters related to operational amplifiers
  • CO8 Understand the concepts involved in arithmetic and logical circuits using IC’s
  • CO9 Acquire knowledge about Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Logic Circuits
  • CO10 Analyze the applications of counters and registers
  • CO1 Understand the collision, cross section of charged particles and to able to correlate the magnetic effect of ion and electrons in plasma state.
  • CO2 Understand the plasma and learn the magneto-hydrodynamics concepts applied to plasma.
  • CO3 Explore the oscillations and waves of charged particles and thereby apply the Maxwell’s equation to quantitative analysis of plasma.
  • CO4 Analyze the different principle and techniques to diagnostics of plasma.
  • CO5 Learn the possible applications of plasma by incorporating various electrical and electronic instruments.
  • CO1 Understand the structural organization and function of living cells and should able to apply the cell signaling mechanism and its electrical activities.
  • CO2 Comprehension of the role of biomolecular conformation to function.
  • CO3 Conceptual understanding of the function of biological membranes and also to understand the functioning of nervous system.
  • CO4 To know the effects of various radiations on living systems and how to prevent ill effects of radiations.
  • CO5 Analyze and interpret data from various techniques viz., spectroscopy, crystallography, chromatography etc
  • CO1Gain knowledge about the available analytical and numerical methods to solve various nonlinear systems.
  • CO2Understand the concepts of different types of coherent structures and their importance in science and technology.
  • CO3Learn about simple and complex bifurcations and the routes to chaos
  • CO4Acquire knowledge about various oscillators, characterization of chaos and fractals.
  • CO5To analyze and evaluate the applications of solutions in telecommunication, applications of chaos in cryptography, computations and that of fractals.
  • CO1Understand the interconnection of Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
  • CO2Enable the students to understand the method of quantization to various field
  • CO3Employ the creation and annihilation operators for quantization
  • CO4Summarizes the interacting field, in quantum domain, and gives a discussion on how perturbation theory is used here.
  • CO5Understand the concept of Feynman diagram
  • CO1Skillfully handle tensors
  • CO2Understanding of the underlying theoretical aspects of general relativity and cosmology
  • CO3Gain knowledge on space time curvature
  • CO4Equipped to take up research in cosmology
  • CO5Confidently solve problems using mathematical skills
  • CO1Gained knowledge of both discrete and continuous groups
  • CO2Apply various important theorems in group theory
  • CO3Construct group multiplication table, character table relevant to important branches of physics.
  • CO4Equipped to solve problems in tensors
  • CO5Developed skills to apply group theory and tensors to peruse research

II year – III Semester

  • CO1Familiarize the concept of scattering theory such as partial wave analysis and Born approximation
  • CO2 Give a firm grounding in relativistic quantum mechanics, with emphasis on Dirac equation and related concepts
  • CO3Discuss the relativistic quantum mechanical equations namely, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations and the phenomena accounted by them like electron spin and magnetic moment
  • CO4Introduce the concept of covariance and the use of Feynman graphs for depicting different interactions
  • CO5 Demonstrate an understanding of field quantization and the explanation of the scattering matrix.
  • CO1Student will be able to list out the crystal systems, symmetries allowed in a system and also the diffraction techniques to find the crystal structure
  • CO2Students will be able to visualize the idea of reciprocal spaces, Brillouin Zone and their extension to band theory of solids.
  • CO3Student will be able to comprehend the heat conduction in solids
  • CO4 Student will be able to generalize the electronic nature of solids from band theories.
  • CO5 Student can compare and contrast the various types of magnetism and conceptualize the idea of superconductivity.
  • CO1Recall the transcendental equations and analyze the different root finding methods. Understand the basic concept involved in root finding procedure such as Newton Raphson and Bisection methods, their limitations.
  • CO2Relate Simultaneous linear equations and their matrix representation Distinguish between various methods in solving simultaneous linear equations.
  • CO3Understand, how interpolation will be used in various realms of physics and Apply to some simple problems Analyze the newton forward and backward interpolation
  • CO4Recollect and apply methods in numerical differentiation and integration. Assess the trapezoidal and Simson’s method of numerical integration.
  • CO5Understand the basics of C-programming and conditional statements.
  • CO1 Understand the strength of material using Young’s modulus
  • CO2 Acquire knowledge of thermal behaviour of the materials
  • CO3 Understand theoretical principles of magnetism through the experiments.
  • CO4 Acquire knowledge about arc spectrum and applications of laser
  • CO5 Improve the analytical and observation ability in Physics Experiments
  • CO6 Conduct experiments on applications of FET and UJT
  • CO7 Analyze various parameters related to operational amplifiers
  • CO8 Understand the concepts involved in arithmetic and logical circuits using IC’s
  • CO9 Acquire knowledge about Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Logic Circuits
  • CO10 Analyze the applications of counters and registers
  • CO1To identify various forms of renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  • CO2 Understand the principle of utilizing the oceanic energy and apply it for practical applications.
  • CO3 Discuss the working of a windmill and analyze the advantages of wind energy.
  • CO4 Distinguish aerobic digestion process from anaerobic digestion.
  • CO5 Understand the components of solar radiation, their measurement and apply them to utilize solar energy.
  • CO1Comprehend set of operations associated with symmetry elements of a molecule, apply mathematical theory while working with symmetry operations. Apply mathematical theory while working with symmetry operations. To use group theory as a tool to characterize molecules.
  • CO2Align with the recent advances in semiconductor laser technology combined sensitive spectroscopic detection techniques.
  • CO3Understand principle behind Mossbauer spectroscopy and apply the concepts of isomer shift and quadrupole splitting to analyse molecules.
  • CO4Assimilate this XPES quantitative technique and the instrumentation associated with this, as applied in understanding surface of materials.
  • CO5Employ IR and Raman spectroscopic data along with other data for structural investigation of molecules. Analyze thermodynamic functions and other parameters to evolve molecular models.
  • To understand the composition of atmosphere
  • To learn about the dynamics among atmospheric layers
  • To make students familiar with weather and monsoon
  • To understand the role of atmospheric dynamics in atmospheric pollution
  • To acquire knowledge about radar meteorology
  • CO1Discuss the transverse character of light waves and different polarization phenomenon
  • CO2Discriminate all the fundamental processes involved in laser devices and to analyze the design and operation of the devices
  • CO3Demonstrate the basic configuration of a fiber optic – communication system and advantages
  • CO4 Identify the properties of nonlinear interactions of light and matter
  • CO5Interpret the group of experiments which depend for their action on an applied magnetics and electric field
  • CO1Describe the TGA, DTA, DSC and TMA thermal analysis techniques and make interpretation of the results.
  • CO2The concept of image formation in Optical microscope, developments in other specialized microscopes and their applications.
  • CO3The working principle and operation of SEM, TEM, STM and AFM.
  • CO4Understood Hall measurement, four –probe resistivity measurement, C-V, I-V, Electrochemical, Photoluminescence and electroluminescence experimental techniques with necessary theory.
  • CO5The theory and experimental procedure for x- ray diffraction and some important spectroscopic techniques and their applications.
  • CO1Learn the fundamentals, production and applications of X-rays.
  • CO2 Understand the basics of blood pressure measurements. Learn about sphygmomanometer, EGC, ENG and basic principles of MRI.
  • CO3Apply knowledge on Radiation Physics
  • CO4Analyze Radiological imaging and filters
  • CO5Assess the principles of radiation protection

II year – IV Semester

  • CO1Gain knowledge about the concepts of helicity, parity, angular correlation and internal conversion.
  • CO2Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental aspects of the structure of the nucleus, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions and the interaction of radiation and matter.
  • CO3Use the different nuclear models to explain different nuclear phenomena and the concept of resonances through Briet-Weigner single level formula
  • CO4Analyze data from nuclear scattering experiments to identify different properties of the nuclear force
  • CO5Summarize and identify allowed and forbidden nuclear reactions based on conservation laws of the elementary particles.
  • CO1 Understand fundamentals of rotational spectroscopy, view molecules as elastic rotors and interpret their behaviour. Able to quantify their nature and correlate them with their characteristic properties.
  • CO2 Understand the working principles of spectroscopic instruments and theoretical background of IR spectroscopy. Able to correlate mathematical process of Fourier transformations with instrumentation. Able to interpret vibrational spectrum of small molecules.
  • CO3 Interpret structures and composition of molecules and use their knowledge of Raman Spectroscopy as an important analytical tool
  • CO4 Use these resonance spectroscopic techniques for quantitative and qualitative estimation of a substances
  • CO5 Learn the electronic transitions caused by absorption of radiation in the UV/Vis region of the electromagnetic spectrum and be able to analyze a simple UV spectrum.
  • CO1 Program with the C Program/ FORTRAN with the C or any other high level language
  • CO2 Use various numerical methods in describing/solving physics problems.
  • CO3 Solve problem, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems.
  • CO4 To enhance the problem-solving aptitudes of students using various numerical methods.
  • CO5 To apply various mathematical entities, facilitate to visualise any complicate tasks.
  • CO6 Process, analyze and plot data from various physical phenomena and interpret their meaning
  • CO7 Identify modern programming methods and describe the extent and limitations of computational methods in physics
  • CO8 Work out numerical differentiation and integration whenever routine are not applicable.
  • CO9 Apply various interpolation methods and finite difference concepts.
  • CO10 Understand and apply numerical methods to find out solution of algebraic equation using different methods under different conditions, and numerical solution of system of algebraic equation.
  • CO1Gain knowledge of architecture and working of 8085 microprocessor.
  • CO2Get knowledge of architecture and working of 8051 Microcontroller.
  • CO3Be able to write simple assembly language programs for 8085A microprocessor.
  • CO4Able to write simple assembly language programs for 8051 Microcontroller.
  • CO5Understand the different applications of microprocessor and microcontroller.
  • CO1Apply the techniques of Fourier transform, convolution and sampling theorems in signal processing
  • CO2Apply different information theories in the process of study of coding of information, storage and communication
  • CO3Explain and compare the various methods of pulse modulation techniques
  • CO4Apply the error control coding techniques in detecting and correcting errors- able to discuss, analyze and compare the different error control coding
  • CO5Apply, discuss and compare the spread spectrum techniques for secure communications
  • CO1 Gained knowledge in solid waste management
  • CO2 Equipped to take up related job by gaining industry exposure
  • CO3 Develop entrepreneurial skills
  • CO4 Will be able to analyze and manage the status of the solid wastes in the nearby areas
  • CO5 Adequately sensitized in managing solid wastes in and around his/her locality
  • CO1 Gained knowledge in solid waste management
  • CO2 Equipped to take up related job by gaining industry exposure
  • CO3 Develop entrepreneurial skills
  • CO4 Will be able to analyze and manage the status of the solid wastes in the nearby areas
  • CO5 Adequately sensitized in managing solid wastes in and around his/her locality
  • CO1Gained knowledge in fundamental aspects of solar energy utilization
  • CO2Equipped to take up related job by gaining industry exposure
  • CO3Develop entrepreneurial skills
  • CO4Skilled to approach the needy society with different types of solar cells
  • CO5Gained industrialist mindset by utilizing renewable source of energy