

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Rise & Shine Club

AMJC’s Rise & Shine Club: Celebrating Creativity and Insights

Rise and Shine club aims to promote a positive and healthy lifestyle among the young minds of our college. Focusing on de-addiction through student volunteer groups, it establishes positive life goals, right behavioural choices, and habits among students and staff. The club regularly organises awareness
and educational programs along with intervention programs like meditation, yoga, mental wellness sessions, and physical fitness programs. Addiction, often exacerbated by modern habits like digital dependence, binge-watching,
and self-destructive lifestyles, affects people from all walks of life. Therefore, the Rise and Shine club fosters a community that practices positive and deaddictive lifestyles in their personal lives while also spreading this message
to peers, family, and society.

Exploring the Rise & Shine Club’s Initiatives: A Visual Journey

Events( 2023 - 2024)

Logo With Tagline Creation - Competition

The Breaking chains Logo and Tagline Competition wa to engage the creative community in designing a compelling visual identity for our anti-addiction campaign

Slogan Writing Competition

The main objective of this event is to encourage students and staff to showcase their creativity and come up with innovative ideas for slogan writing to express their thoughts and ideas through art while spreading awareness about the harmful effects of addiction.

Poster Making Competition

The key message of Poster Design is the Strength and resilience of those who have overcome addiction

7 days Balloon Campaign

The “Hearts for Healing” Red Heart Balloon campaign is designed to Promote de-addiction awareness with a focus on compassion, empathy and community support.

Rise and Shine club Inauguration Function

The Inaugural event of the Anti-Addiction Club marked a significant milestone in our collective commitment ot addressing and combating addiction within our community.

Free Medical Camp

The medical camp a collaborative effort between Rise and Shine Club and Lions Club of Pallavapuram successfully provided essential healthcare servies offered comprehensive eye, dental, blood pressure and blood sugar checks.

Conflict Management and Mental Health Awareness Program

The primary objective is to foster a supportive and informed community by equipping individuals with the necessary skills to provide intial assistance to those experiencing mental health challenges . The highlights are Mental health First Aid Introduction, ASIST Training Session, QPR Workshop, Resource Distribution.