

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Research Committee

AMJC’s Research Committee: Cultivating Academic Innovation and Excellence

AMJC’s Research Committee comprises a dedicated team of esteemed faculty members committed to fostering a culture of research and innovation within the institution. The committee promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and supports faculty and student engagement in cutting-edge research, conferences, and scholarly pursuits.
Through rigorous evaluation, mentorship, and strategic support, the Research Committee plays a vital role in upholding AMJC’s commitment to excellence in research, contributing significantly to the institution’s academic reputation and intellectual vibrancy. Join us in cultivating innovation and driving impactful research at AMJC.

AMJC’s Research Committee: Cultivating Academic Innovation and Excellence

1 Dr. Srinivasan Thothadri – Coordinator Physics with CA
2 Dr. V. Belsini Gladshiya – Coordinator Computer science
3 Ms. S. Keerthana – B. Com General
4 Ms. Benita Samuel – English
5 Mr. Selva Kumar. – P B. Com A & F
6 Ms. V. Gayathri – Visual Communication
7 Ms. D. Deepa – BCA
8 Dr. Raj Mohan. R – ECS
9 Mr. Vibhav Kandlur – Defense and Strategic Studies

Research Insights

Research Committee conducted an awareness programme on the topic Research Insights on     1st August 2023 to empower faculty members with a clear roadmap for their research pursuits

Researcher Productivity: Strategies for increasing Impact report

Research Committee conducted a programme on the topic Researcher Productivity: Strategies for increasing Impact report on 23rd September 2023 to provide faculties with valuable insights into the intricacies of research