M A Public Administration
19/09/2024 2024-09-20 15:37M A Public Administration
Course Outcomes - M.A Public Administration
I year – I Semester
CO1 To recognise administration the concepts related to principles of administration
CO2 To analyse the effective application of principles and approaches to diagnose and solve organizational problems and develop optimal managerial decisions.
CO3 To be familiar with the dynamics management and administration of organization,
CO4 To exhibit the new horizons of Public Administration
CO5 To gauge the gap between theory and practice in Public Administration
CO1 To review the various administrative theories and concepts
CO2 To compare and contrast the contributions by Indian and Classical thinkers
CO3 To develop an understanding of the contributions of human relations and behavioural thinkers
CO4 To comprehend the contributions of theorists over a period of time
CO5 To establish the application of theories to understand real life situations
CO1 To enumerate the origin and evolution of the Indian constitution.
CO2 To measure and justify division of power between various organs of the government at different levels.
CO3 To develop an understanding on the Constitutional and nonconstitutional bodies.
CO4 To compare and contrast the working of the administrative machineries at the Union and the State level.
CO5 To understand the division of powers in Indian federal set-up and its asymmetrical federal arrangements
CO1 To identify and recognize the basics of development, its approaches and the need for sustainable development
CO2 To acquire conceptual and theoretical understanding of development process including the ecological and post globalization contexts
CO3 To understand the need for Development, Sustainable Development Goals and Development Indicators
CO4 To know about the significance of dynamics of development and learn that development is a dynamic concept.
CO5 To be familiar with the main actors who play important role in the development process
CO1 To learn how to address social problems and transform society
CO2 To learn to apply social entrepreneurship skills to address social problems.
CO3 To apply the theoretical and experiential understanding of concepts, strategies and tools of social entrepreneurship
CO4 To create new patterns and possibilities for employment generation through social entrepreneurship.
CO5 To assess the strengths and limitations of social entrepreneurship in addressing social problems
I year – II Semester
CO1 To appreciate the features of administrative system of India
CO2 To appreciate the role of the bureaucrats, their functionsand responsibilities in the Indian administrative system.
CO3 To gain knowledge on the significance of civil service, the constitutional provisions, recruitment, and training methods
CO4 To examine the special role of Police and Defence servicesin Indian government
CO5 To have conceptual clarity of approaches & dimensions of government and administration in India
CO1 To use proven methods and frameworks to analyze key policies
CO2 To identify and explain the key determinants of policy making
CO3 To evaluate the potential outcomes and effects of public policies
CO4 To understand and apply various approaches to policy-making
CO5 To critically analyze the existing policies in India
CO1 To gain knowledge of Monetary and Fiscal Policies and the concepts of Balance of Payments and basket of currencies
CO2 To analyze the budgetary process and the role of the Ministry of Finance.
CO3 To critically examine the implementation of different types of budgeting systems practiced globally
CO4 To gain clarity on taxation machinery and the GST process.
CO5 To assess the importance of Administrative, Parliamentary and Audit control over Public Expenditure.
CO1 To build capacities for investigating the outbreak of disease epidemics during and after disaster and to prevent environmental health problems
CO2 To enhance the knowledge and abilities in risk reduction strategies to prevent major causalities during disaster.
CO3 To analyze the relationship between Development and Disasters.
CO4 To prioritize Rescue and Relief operational mechanism.
CO5 To create opportunities to build skills to respond to disasters.
CO1 To obtain knowledge about theoretical contribution of prominent thinkers in the field of management and administration
CO2 To develop their innate professional qualities by understanding the key elements of administrative behavior.
CO3 To evaluate the ideas on many administrative behavioral theorists
CO4 To discuss the impact of motivational theories of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg on Organizational Processes today
CO5 To review the views on leadership traits in leaders in bureaucratic administration
- CO1 To substantiate the importance of public opinion in a democracy
- CO2 To learn about the methods used for conducting surveys and interpreting survey data
- CO3 To acquire basic skill sets related to understanding public opinion formation and conducting research through the use of sample date, framing a questionnaire, etc
- CO4 To explore the central theories and selected key themes in the fields of public opinion
- CO5 To introduce students to the practice of survey research
II year – III Semester
CO1 To promote student commitment to use of ICT in government policies
CO2 To gauge the nuances of modern technology and its significance in administration
CO3 To evaluate how technology can enhance the democratic process of decision making
CO4 To develop practical understanding on how application of techonology ensures accountbaility in public service
CO5 To analyse the process of networking amongst various levels of government organisations
CO1 To recall the meaning of administrative and constitutional law
CO2 To compare and contrast the concepts of delegated legislation and subordinate legislation
CO3 To illustrate the principles of natural justice and analyse the various administrative authorities
CO4 To examine the various constitutional and non-constitutional bodies in administrative law
CO5 To construct the importance of PIL, it’s jurisdiction and remedies available in administrative law of India
CO1 To analyze the concepts and dimensions of local governance in India
CO2 To review and observe the history and growth of local administration from Ancient to the present
CO3 To describe the administrative and political framework of Rural and Urban local institutions
CO4 To evaluate the relationship of local governance and developmental process
CO5 To appreciate the status of stake holders participation in the decision making process
CO1 To cognize the significance of Comparative Public Administration
CO2.To differentiate the various conceptual approaches in comparative public administration.
CO3 To recognize the Political and Administrative Systems in the developed countries.
CO4 To compare and appraise the administrative Systems which prevail in the various parts of the world namely U.S.A., U.K., France.
CO5 To know about the nature and scope of comparative studies.
CO1 To appreciate the role and significance of Social Audit in the current scenario
CO2 To describe the effects of social audit in democratic governance.
CO3 To analyse various Policy decisions keeping in view stakeholders needs.
CO4 To illustrate the extent of efficacy and effectiveness of Social Welfare Programmes for citizens.
CO5 To compare and contrast the Mechanism of Accountability and Transparency and to Strengthen democratic Governance.
- CO1 To examine various stages of Performance Management System.
- CO2 To evaluate how various elements help in shaping effective Performance Management System.
- CO3 To illustrate how to transform the raw potential of human resources into performance.
- CO4 To categorize the types of performance management systems
- CO5 To sythesize the empowerment to develop belongingness towards the organisation.
II year – IV Semester
- CO1 To demonstrate a theoretical and practical understanding of the types and basic differences among descriptive, quasi-experimental, and experimental research methods and designs.
- CO 2 To practice qualitative and quantitative research data collection techniques, including observation, interviews, and document analysis, etc.
- CO 3 To articulate the epistemological assumptions underlying qualitative and quantitative research methods, including the competing paradigms in research.
- CO 4 To develop the proficiency in using SPSS.
- CO 5 To evaluate the appropriateness and quality of questionnaires, interviews, and other data collection methods.
CO 1 To analyze and explain contemporary international phenomena.
CO 2 To recognize and interpret key aspects of governmental institutions and processes.
CO 3 To identify important historical continuities and changes in international relations.
CO 4 To analyze, evaluate, and discuss different international, European and domestic legal frameworks.
CO 5 To engage in negotiations in an international context.
CO1 To cognize out with India’s economic evolution from the prism of state and market interaction since independence
CO2 To formulate and communicate rigorous arguments, so that students can develop a strong sense of potential for further research on India’s development from political economy perspective
CO3 To develop analytical skills of measuring the political dimensions of economic output and policy.
CO4 To evaluate the relevance of different stakeholders in formulating political economy of any country.
CO5 To appraise the historical trajectories and contemporary challenges in the way towards a global political economic framework.
- CO 1 To recognize the effects of diversity, access, and power on communication
- CO 2 To interpret various communication theories
- CO 3 To illustrate the effects of diversity, access, and power on communication
- CO 4 To enhance the ability to define the communication process with respect to Public relations
- CO 5 To evaluate communication skills that are vital in public service management