B.SC. Physics With Computer Applications Course Outcomes
19/09/2024 2024-09-20 15:38B.SC. Physics With Computer Applications Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes - B.SC. Physics With Computer Applications
I year – I Semester
- CO1 சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் காணப்பெறும் வாழ்வியல் சிந்தனைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K4)
- CO2 அற இலக்கியம் மற்றும் தமிழ் காப்பியங்களின்வழி வாழ்வியல் சிந்தனையைப் பெறுவர்(K5, K6)
CO3 பக்தி இலக்கியங்களைக் கற்பதன் மூலம் பக்தி நெறியினையும், பகுத்தறிவு இலக்கியங்களைக் கற்பதன் வழி நல்லிணக்கத்தையும் தெரிந்து பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)
- CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப் பெறுவர்(K3)
- CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத் தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக் கற்பர்.(K2)
- CO 1. To understand ancient, medieval & modern literary text in Telugu.
- CO 2. To describe text and context of ancient, medieval & modern Telugu Classical literature.
- CO 3. To evaluate the difference between the ancient, medieval & Modern style of writing.
- CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
- CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
- CO 1. Introduce oneself and talk about one’s likes and dislikes
- CO 2. Invite someone, to accept or deny an invitation
- CO 3. Making purchases at the market
CO 4. Recall and remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in a dialogue.
CO 5. Apply the learnt grammar rules in practice exercises to improve them understanding
CO 1. Explains the nature, features, elements of prose forms and Functional Hindi
CO 2. Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain application skills.
CO 3. Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers.
CO 4. Obtain skills of critical analysis of Literary forms and drafting skills of personal letters, business letters, noting and drafting skills
- CO 5. Learn to Employ the obtained skills in enriching the bright future
- CO 1. Students will review the novel and short stories.
- CO 2. They will summaries the content of novel.
- CO 3. They will explain the characteristics of novel.
- CO 4. They interpret the different texts.
- CO 5. They will understand the word level and sentence level translation
- CO 6. They obtain the proverb narrative techniques
- CO 7. They obtain the riddle’s moral value.
CO 1. Remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in dialogue.
- CO 2. Apply the rules of usage in practice exercises and identify errors
CO 3. Explain the nuances in the usage of various grammatical tenses and aspects
CO 4. Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in French
- CO 5. Communicate in French and summarize the given text
CO1 Acquire self-awareness and positive thinking required in various life situations
- CO2 Acquire the attribute of empathy.
- CO3 Acquire creative and critical thinking abilities.
- CO4 Learn basic grammar
CO5 Development and integrate the use of four language skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- CO1 Relate elastic behaviour in terms of three modulii of elasticity and working of torsion pendulum.
- CO2 Understand and appreciate the concept of bending of beams and analyze the expression, quantify and understand nature of materials
- CO3 Explain the surface tension and viscosity of fluid and support the interesting phenomena associated with liquid surface, soap films provide an analogue solution to many engineering problems.
- CO4 Analyze simple harmonic motions mathematically and apply them. Understand the concept of resonance and use it to evaluate the frequency of vibration.
- CO5 Justify the importance of constructing buildings with good acoustics after understanding the concept of acoustics. Able to apply their knowledge of ultrasonics in real life, especially in medical field and assimilate different methods of production of ultrasonic waves
- CO1 Discuss the fundamental concepts involved with gates, standard representation of logic functions and arithmetic circuits. Apply De-Morgan’s theorem, minimization techniques to solve and design circuits
- CO2 Understand the construction and working of various Flip-Flops and appreciate their application
- CO3 Know the principles and applications of transistors and types of transistor biasing and amplifiers
- CO4 Discuss the role of negative and positive feedback amplifiers. Explain the Constructional features, basic theory of operation and I-V characteristics of various semiconductor devices
- CO5 Classify various memory devices and their functions
- CLO 1: Understand the concepts of Summation of Series.
- CLO 2: Understand the concepts of Cayley Hamilton Theorem and inverse matrices.
- CLO 3: Understand the concepts of finite differences.
- CLO 4: Understand the knowledge about expansions, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions.
- CLO 5: Understand the concept of Leibnitz theorem and functions of two variables
- CO1 Apply concept of vectors to understand concepts of physics and solve problems
- CO2 Explain the theory of error analysis and estimate the percentage of errors in the experimental values
- CO3 Demonstrate the use of mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments required for performing experiments in this course
- CO4 Differentiate the various number systems in use and do the numerical conversion
- CO5 Justify the need for various semiconductor devices and understand their characteristics and working
I year – II Semester
- CO1 சிற்றிலக்கியங்களின்வழி இலக்கியச் சுவையினையும் பண்பாட்டு அறிவினையும் பெறுவர்(K4)
- CO2 புதுக்கவிதை வரலாற்றினை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K5,K6)
- CO3 திராவிட இயக்க இலக்கியங்களைக் கற்பதன் மூலம் மொழி உணர்வு இன உணர்வு, சமத்துவம் சார்ந்த சிந்தனைகளைப் பெறுவர்(K3)
- CO4 தமிழ்மொழியைப் பிழையின்றி எழுதவும், புதிய கலைச்சொற்களை உருவாக்கவும் அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K3)
- CO5 போட்டித் தேர்வுகளில் வெற்றி பெறுவதற்குத் தமிழ்ப் பாடத்தினைப் பயன்கொள்ளும் வகையில் பயிற்சி பெறுவர்.᾽
- CO1 To understand the Contemporary literary text in Telugu.
- CO2. To Explain the nature of Modern Poetry.
- CO3 To Explain the Contemporary author style of writings.
- CO4 To evaluate the difference between the ancient and Contemporary Literature.
- CO5 To use grammatical styles in writing.
- CO1 To ask for and give directions
- CO2 To give orders or commands using Impératif
- CO3 To narrate events from the past using Passé Composé
- CO4 Cite the ordinal numbers in French
- CO5 Indicate the position of something using prepositions of place
- CO1 Identifies the nature, features, elements of One Act Plays and Short Stories and skills of Translation
- CO2 Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain skills of Evaluation.
- CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings
- CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study
- CO5 Employ the techniques and skills of Literature and Translation
- CO1 Student will identify the strategies of basic communication Write effective and concise letters and memos, Prepare informal and formal reports,
- CO2 Students will interpret the official communication, andThey will summaries the content of note making and letter formation in business communication. They will explain the use of different fonts and conversation in Malayalam
- CO3, they solve the problems in various competitive examinations in Malayalam Students will obtain writing techniques that today’s technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction,
- CO4 Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence. Use e-mail effectively and efficiently,
- CO5 Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and professional relationships, and Utilize electronic presentation software.
- CO1 Understand and apply grammatical concepts in drafting sentences and paragraphs
- CO2 Apply the rules and regulations in handling usage of Lrt lakara and Asmad Sabdah, practice exercises and identify errors
- CO3 Form an idea of the aesthetic expressions that make Sanskrit composition get the position of pride in world literature
- CO4 Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in Sanskrit
- CO5 Appreciate the art of employment of Alankaras in a prose form of poetry
- CO1 Realize the importance of resilience
- CO2 Become good decision-makers
- CO3 Imbibe problem-solving skills
- CO4 Use tenses appropriately
- CO5 Use English effectively at the work place.
- CO1 Acquires knowledge on how to distinguish between temperature and heat. Introduce him/her to the field of thermometry and explain practical measurements of high temperature as well as low temperature physics. Student identifies the relationship between heat capacity, specific heat capacity. The study of Low temperature Physics sets the basis for the students to understand cryogenics, superconductivity, superfluidity and Condensed Matter Physics
- CO2 Derive the efficiency of Carnot’s engine. Discuss the implications of the laws of Thermodynamics in diesel and petrol engines
- CO3 Able to analyze performance of thermodynamic systems viz efficiency by problems. Gets an insight into thermodynamic properties like enthalpy, entropy
- CO4 Study the process of thermal conductivity and apply it to good and bad conductors. Quantify different parameters related to heat, relate them with various physical parameters and analyse them
- CO5 Interpret classical statistics concepts such as phase space, ensemble, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law. Develop the statistical interpretation of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac . Apply to quantum particles such as photon and electron
- CLO 1: Understand the various concepts of Bernoulli’s and Reduction Formula.
- CLO 2: Understand the concepts of Fourier Series
- CLO 3: Understand the concepts of Non-Homogenous and Partial Differential Equations
- CLO 4: Understand the Laplace Transforms
- CLO 5: Understand the concepts of Vector Differentiation
- CO1: Acquire knowledge on elementary ideas of electricity and magnetism
- CO2: Emphasize the significance of laws involved in electric circuits
- CO3: Understand the basics of operational amplifier
- CO4: Apply the principles of electronics in day to life
- CO5: Apply the characteristics of electronic devices in practical.
II year – III Semester
- CO1 தமிழக வரலாற்றை அறிந்துகொள்வர்.(K4)
- CO2 தமிழரின் வாழ்வியல் தொன்மையை அறிவர்᾽.(K5,K6)
- CO3 தமிழரின் பண்பாட்டுக் கூறுகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K3)
- CO4 பிற பண்பாட்டுத் தாக்கம் மற்றும் அணுகுமுறைகளை அறிவர்.(K3)
- CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத் தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக் கற்பர்(K2)
- CO1 To understand the significance of the modern literary works.
- CO2 To Explain the nature of modern style of writings.
- CO3 To evaluate the culture through modern literary works.
- CO4 . To indentify the Influence between Traditional and Modern literary works.
- CO5 To interpret the various styles of fictions in Telugu.
- CO1 Identify and appreciate the construction and the structure of different tenses and sentences
- CO2 Translate simple texts
- CO3 Draft and summarize literary texts
- CO4 Apply the grammatical rules to express one’s ideas using different tenses
- CO5 Analyze literary texts with respect to their structure and composition
- CO1 Identifies the Ancient Poets their works, and impact of contemporary conditions of society and ancient History of Hindi Literature
- CO2 Understand the theme, message, expressional and artistic skills.
- CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings and literary trends of Ancient History
- CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study and of poems
- CO5 Employ the techniques of interpretation and contextual meaning of texts
- CO1 Students will interpret the literary texts in Modern Poetry.
- CO2 They will summaries the content of the different types of poems.
- CO3 They will explain the form and content of the poems.
- CO4 They interpret the style of contemporary poetry.
- CO5 They will understand aesthetic beauty.
- CO1 Be familiar with the style of the great Sanskrit Dramatist Bhasa
- CO2 Be able to appreciate the aesthetical, social, political, cultural, etc., values expressed in prescribed composition
- CO3 Understand the structural patterns of Sanskrit dramatic composition
- CO4 Develop the finer and minor nuances of Nataka form of drama
- CO5 Analyze the literary texts
- CO1 Listen actively(PO1, PO7)
- CO2 Develop interpersonal relationship skills(PO1, PO2, PO 10)
- CO3 Acquire self-confidence to cope with stress(PO4, PO6, PO9)
- CO4 Master grammar skills(PO4, PO5, PO6)
- CO5 Carry out business communication effectively(PO3,PO8)
- CO1 Understand the Newton’s Law of motion, general theory of relativity, Kepler’s laws and realize the basic principles behind planetary motion
- CO2 Acquire the knowledge on the conservation laws
- CO3 Apply conservation law and calculate energy of various systems. Understand and differentiate conservative and non-conservative forces
- CO4 Gain knowledge on rigid body dynamics and solve problems based on this concept CO5 Understand the importance of Lagrangian system of mechanics
- CO1 Outline the fundamental concepts of computers, programming languages and Problem-solving Techniques using C.
- CO2 Demonstrate the programming methodology
- CO3 Identify suitable programming constructs for problem solving.
- CO4 Select the appropriate data representation, control structures, functions and concepts based on the problem requirement.
- CO5 Solve simple, mathematical and logical problems in „C‟
II year – IV Semester
- CO1 தாய்மொழி வழியாக அறிவியல் பற்றிச் சிந்திக்கும் திறன் பெற்றிருப்பர்(K4)
- CO2 அறிவியல் கலைச் சொல்லாக்கம் பற்றிய விதிகள், நுணுக்கங்களைத் தெரிந்திருப்பர்(K5,K6)
- CO3 அறிவியல் தமிழ் வளர்ச்சியில் மொழிபெயர்ப்பின் பங்கு குறித்து அறிந்திருப்பர்(K3)
- CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப் பெறுவர்᾽(K3)
- CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத் தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக் கற்பர்(K2)
- CO1 To understand the rich trading of Telugu Drama
- CO2. To Explain nature of Drama of Telugu
- CO3 To describe the nature of understandings in Drama
- CO4 To evaluate the culture of the society through Drama.
- CO5 To brief the content of the techniques of translation composition
- CO1 Apply connecting words (cause, but, concession, condition, hypothèse, conséquence) to improve the spoken as well as written communication skills
- CO2 Differentiate the various past tenses in “Les Temps du Passé” and their unique usage
- CO3 Summarize the literary texts
- CO4 Identify and apply the different grammatical tenses of “les temps du passé” in sample exercises to practice
- CO5 Critically assess the literary texts through an analysis of its themes, narrative techniques, characters and its cultural significance
- CO1 Evaluate the poetic skills of poets and their poems
- CO2 Identify the conditions inspire the poets and writers
- CO3 Enumerate the literary trends and different literary forms
- CO4 Understand the human, social, ethical and literary values
- CO5 Obtain the knowledge to evaluate and critical analysis of literary works
- CO1 Students will be able to word as: Photo editor ∙ Web designer ∙ Graphic designer ∙ DTP Operator ∙ Logo Designer ∙ Digital illustrator ∙ Pattern Maker ∙ Stationary Designer etc.
- CO2 Students will interpret the different styles photo shops.
- CO3 They will apply different images and lay outs for invitation making.
- CO4 They will explain the style of caption writing
- CO5 They interpret the style of contemporary high resolution technology for brochure making.
- CO6 They will understand aesthetic beauty image construction.
- CO7 They obtain the style of image construction.
- CO1 Apply the usage of compound words
- CO2 Differentiate the alankaras
- CO3 Translate the prose passages prescribed
- CO4 Identify and apply different grammatical tenses of “Mahabharata” related translation
- CO5 Analyze and critically assess the literary texts
- CO1 Determine their goals( PO1,PO7)
- CO2 Identify the value of integrity.(PO1,PO2,PO10)
- CO3 Deal with emotions.(PO4,PO6,PO9)
- CO4 Frame grammatically correct sentences(PO4,PO5,PO6)
- CO5 Write cohesive reports.(PO3,PO8)
- CO1Outline the basics of optics and concepts associated with lenses, prisms, eyepieces. Differentiate the resolving power of different optical instruments, and articulate their technological applications
- CO2Discuss the principle of superposition of waves, use these ideas to understand the wave nature of light through working of interferometer
- CO3Extend the knowledge about nature of light through diffraction techniques, apply mathematical principles to analyse the optical instruments
- CO4 Interpret basic formulation of polarization and gain knowledge about polarimeter, appraise its usage in industries
- CO5 Relate the principles of optics to various fields of IR, Raman and UV spectroscopy and understand their instrumentation and application in industries
CO1 Outline the basic terminologies of OOP, programming language techniques
CO2 Solve problems using basic constructs, mechanisms, techniques and technologies of Java
CO3 Analyse and explain the behavior of simple programs involving different techniques such as Inheritance, Interfaces and Exception Handling.
CO4 Assess various problem-solving strategies involved in Java.
CO5 Design Java programs using suitable OOP concepts and techniques for any given concept
III year – V Semester
- CO1 Understand various postulates of special theory of relativity.
- CO2 Appreciate the importance of transformation equations and also the general theory of relativity..
- CO3 Realize the wave nature of matter and understand its importance
- CO4 Derive Schrodinger equation and also realize the use of operators.
- CO5 Apply Schrödinger equation to simple problems
- CO1 Classify the bonding &crystal structure also learn about the
- crystal structure analysis using X ray diffraction.
- CO2 Understand the lattice dynamics and thus learn the electrical
- and thermal properties of materials.
- CO3 Give reason for classifying magnetic material on the basis of
- their behaviour.
- CO4 Comprehend the dielectric behavior of materials.
- CO5 Appreciate the ferroelectric and super conducting properties
- of materials.a
- CO1 List the properties of electrons and positive rays, define specific charge of positive rays, know different mass spectrographs.
- CO2 Outline photoelectric effect and the terms related to it, state laws of photoelectric emission, explain experiments and applications of photo electric effect, solve problems based on photoelectric equation.
- CO3 Explain different atom models, describe different quantum numbers and different coupling schemes.
- CO4 Differentiate excitation and ionization potentials, explain Davis and Goucher’s experiment, apply selection rule, analyse Paschen-Back effect, compare Zeeman and Stark effect.
- CO5 Understand the condition for production of laser, appreciate various properties and applications of lasers.
- CO1 Understand the architecture & organization of microprocessor 8085 and familiarize the instruction set of microprocessors 8085
- CO2 Apply the software instructions to write efficient assembly language programs
- CO3 Illustrate the interfacing of peripheral devices with 8085 microprocessors
- CO4 Acquire basic knowledge on the hardware of 8051 microcontroller
- CO5 Execute assembly language programs through practical work
- CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts in python.
- CO2 Acquire programming skills in python.
- CO3 Apply the different data types available in python
- CO4 Analyze and select proper concepts to execute python script.
- CO5 To develop python script to solve the given problems.
- CO1 Understand the model, architecture and Schema of RDBMS
- CO2 Outline the fundamental RDBMS concepts and PL/SQL.
- CO3 Apply database operations, normalization, SQL and PL/SQL.
- CO4 Analyze the requirements to implement relational database concepts.
- CO5 Evaluate the database based on various models and normalization
III year – VI Semester
- CO1 Describe the concept of electric charges and electric fields. Explain Gauss’ Law, its differential form and application
- CO2 Understand the basics of capacitors and dielectrics and solve relevant problems
- CO3 Differentiate electric field and potential and solve problems. Explain Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations. Discuss the AC circuits containing resistance, Inductance and capacitance
- CO4 Discuss the magnetic effect of electric current and its application
- CO5 Interpret the magnetic properties of materials. Derive Maxwell’s equations and discuss the nature of electromagnetic waves
- CO1 Describe various models that explain about the nuclear structures.
- CO2 Give reason for various kinds of radioactivity and also know laws governing them
- CO3 Know the principles and applications of various particle detectors and accelerators.
- CO4 Discuss the concepts used in nuclear reaction.
- CO5 Classify various elementary particles and study the effect of cosmic rays
- CO1 Chart the requirements needed for developing android application.
- CO2 Apply proper interface setup, styles & themes, storing and management
- CO3 techniques for the application activities
- CO4 Analyze the problem and add necessary user interface components, graphics and multimedia components into the application.
- CO5 Evaluate the results by implementing the concept behind the problem with proper code
- CO1 Understand the fundamentals of IoT.
- CO2 Outline the fundamentals and Architectural Overview of IoT.
- CO3 Apply the sensors effectively for IoT application.
- CO4 Analyze the challenges faced by IoT smart devices.
- CO5 Design IoT applications using the technology available