

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

B Sc Mathematics -Science-Course-outcomes-18.09.2024

Course Outcomes - B Sc Mathematics

I year – I Semester

  • CO1 சங்க இலக்கியத்தில்‌ காணப்பெறும்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ சிந்தனைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K4)
  • CO2 அற இலக்கியம்‌ மற்றும்‌ தமிழ்‌ காப்பியங்களின்வழி வாழ்வியல் சிந்தனையைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K5, K6)
  • CO3 பக்தி இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ பக்தி நெறியினையும்‌, பகுத்தறிவு இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ வழி நல்லிணக்கத்தையும்‌ தெரிந்து பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)

  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்‌.(K2)
  • CO 1. To understand ancient, medieval & modern literary text in Telugu.
  • CO 2. To describe text and context of ancient, medieval & modern Telugu Classical literature.
  • CO 3. To evaluate the difference between the ancient, medieval & Modern style of writing.
  • CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
  • CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
  • CO 1. Introduce oneself and talk about one’s likes and dislikes
  • CO 2. Invite someone, to accept or deny an invitation
  • CO 3. Making purchases at the market
  • CO 4. Recall and remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in a dialogue.

  • CO 5. Apply the learnt grammar rules in practice exercises to improve them understanding

  • CO 1. Explains the nature, features, elements of prose forms and Functional Hindi

  • CO 2. Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain application skills.

  • CO 3. Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers.

  • CO 4. Obtain skills of critical analysis of Literary forms and drafting skills of personal letters, business letters, noting and drafting skills

  • CO 5. Learn to Employ the obtained skills in enriching the bright future
  • CO 1. Students will review the novel and short stories.
  • CO 2. They will summaries the content of novel.
  • CO 3. They will explain the characteristics of novel.
  • CO 4. They interpret the different texts.
  • CO 5. They will understand the word level and sentence level translation
  • CO 6. They obtain the proverb narrative techniques
  • CO 7. They obtain the riddle’s moral value.
  • CO 1. Remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in dialogue.

  • CO 2. Apply the rules of usage in practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO 3. Explain the nuances in the usage of various grammatical tenses and aspects

  • CO 4. Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in French

  • CO 5. Communicate in French and summarize the given text
  • CO1 Acquire self-awareness and positive thinking required in various life situations

  • CO2 Acquire the attribute of empathy.
  • CO3 Acquire creative and critical thinking abilities.
  • CO4 Learn basic grammar
  • CO5 Development and integrate the use of four language skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  • CO 1: Classify and solve reciprocal equations.
  • CO 2: Find the sum of binomial, exponential and logarithmic series.
  • CO 3: Find Eigen values, eigen vectors, verify Cayley – Hamilton theorem and diagonalize a given matrix.
  • CO 4: Expand the powers and multiples of trigonometric functions in terms of sine and cosine.
  • CO 5: Determine relationship between circular and hyperbolic functions and the summation of trigonometric series.
  • CO 1: Find the nth derivative, form equations involving derivatives and apply Leibnitz formula.
  • CO 2: Find the partial derivative and total derivative coefficient.
  • CO 3: Determine maxima and minima of functions of two variables and to use the Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers.
  • CO 4: Find the envelope of a given family of curves.
  • CO 5: Find the evolutes and involutes and to find the radius of curvature using polar co-ordinatesCO 5: Find the evolutes and involutes and to find the radius of curvature using polar co-ordinates.
  • CO1 Explain types of motion and extend their knowledge in the study of various dynamic motions analyze and demonstrate mathematically. Relate theory with practical applications in medical field.
  • CO2 Explain their knowledge of understanding about materials and their behaviors and apply it to various situations in laboratory and real life. Connect droplet theory with Corona transmission.
  • CO3 Comprehend basic concept of thermodynamics concept of entropy and associated theorems able to interpret the process of flow temperature physics in the back ground of growth of this technology.
  • CO4 Articulate the knowledge about electric current resistance, capacitance in terms of potential electric field and electric correlate the connection between electric field and magnetic field and analyze them mathematically verify circuits and apply the concepts to construct circuits and study them.
  • CO5 Interpret the real-life solutions using AND, OR, NOT basic logic gates and intend their ideas to universal building blocks. Infer operations using Boolean algebra and acquire elementary ideas of IC circuits. Acquire information about various Govt. programs/ institutions in this field.
  • CO 1: Solve algebraic and transcendental equations using bisection method, iteration method, regula falsi method, and Newton Raphson method.
  • CO 2: Solve simultaneous linear equations using Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jordon method, and Gauss Seidel method.
  • CO 3: Use finite differences to calculate differences of a polynomial, factorial polynomials, differences of zero, and summation series.
  • CO 4: Perform interpolation using central differences formulae, and Gauss forward and backward formulae.
  • CO 5: Perform Numerical differentiation and integeration.
  • CO 1: Apply mathematical concepts and techniques to solve financial problems.
  • CO 2: Analyse different types of financial instruments and evaluate their risks and returns.
  • CO 3: Construct investment portfolios and manage risks.
  • CO 4: Communicate business information effectively to stakeholders.
  • CO 5: Understand the ethical and professional standards in the finance industry.
  • CO 1 தமிழ்‌ உயிரெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும்‌ மெய்யெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO 2 உயிர்‌, மெய்‌, உயிர்மெய்த்‌ துணைக்‌ குறியீடுகளை அறிந்து அவற்றை எழுதும் திறன் பெறுவர்‌.(K2)

  • CO 3 ஒரு எழுத்துக்கு ஒரு ஒலி, ஒரு ஒலிக்கு ஒரு எழுத்து என்ற தமிழின் உச்சரிப்பு – வரிவடிவத்‌ தொடர்பை உணர்வர்‌.(K3,K4)
  • CO 4 சில அடிப்படையான மொழி இலக்கண விதிகளை அறிந்து பயன்படுத்துவர்‌..(K3,K5)
  • CO 5 தமிழ்நாட்டுச்‌ சூழலில்‌ அன்றாடத்‌ தேவைகளை நிறைவேற்றிக்கொள்ள ஏற்ற மொழிப்‌ பயன்பாடுகளை அறிவர்‌.(K4,K6)
  • CO1 சமகால இலக்கியங்களின்‌ நோக்குகள்‌-போக்குகள்‌ குறித்து மாணவர்கள் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K2)
  • CO2 நாட்டுப்புற மக்களின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌, அறிவாற்றல்‌, இன்றைய நிலை ஆகியவை குறித்துச்‌ சிந்திப்பர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO3 தங்கள்‌ கற்பனை வளத்தை மாணவர்கள்‌ பெருக்கிக்‌ கொள்வர்‌.(K2,K4,K6)
  • CO4 மொழியில்‌ பிழைகள்‌ நேரா வண்ணம்‌ எழுதக்‌ கற்றுக்‌ கொள்வதோடு திறனாய்வு செய்யும்‌ ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4)
  • CO5 திரைப்படம்‌, சின்னத்திரை, தொலைக்காட்சி உள்ளிட்ட ஊடகங்களில் பாடல்‌, இசை, எழுத்து எனப்‌ பல்வேறு வேலைவாய்ப்புகள்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4,K6)
  • CO 1: Prove the binomial theorem and apply it to find the expansions of any (x + y)n and also, solve the related problems.
  • CLO 2: Find the various sequences and series and solve the problems related to them. Explain the principle of counting.
  • CO 3: Find the number of permutations and combinations in different cases. Apply the principle of counting to solve the problems on permutations and combinations.
  • CO 4: Explain various trigonometric ratios and find them for different angles, including sum of the angles, multiple and submultiple angles, etc. Also, they can solve the problems using the transformations.
  • CO 5: Find the limit and derivative of a function at a point, the definite and indefinite integral of a function. Find the points of min/max of a function.

I year – II Semester

  • CO1 சிற்றிலக்கியங்களின்வழி இலக்கியச்‌ சுவையினையும்‌ பண்பாட்டு அறிவினையும்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K4)
  • CO2   புதுக்கவிதை வரலாற்றினை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 திராவிட இயக்க இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ மொழி உணர்வு இன உணர்வு, சமத்துவம்‌ சார்ந்த சிந்தனைகளைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO4 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பிழையின்றி எழுதவும்‌, புதிய கலைச்சொற்களை உருவாக்கவும்‌ அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO5 போட்டித்‌ தேர்வுகளில்‌ வெற்றி பெறுவதற்குத்‌ தமிழ்ப்‌ பாடத்தினைப் பயன்கொள்ளும்‌ வகையில்‌ பயிற்சி பெறுவர்‌.
  • CO1 To understand the Contemporary literary text in Telugu.
  • CO2. To Explain the nature of Modern Poetry.
  • CO3 To Explain the Contemporary author style of writings.
  • CO4 To evaluate the difference between the ancient and Contemporary Literature.
  • CO5 To use grammatical styles in writing.
  • CO1 To ask for and give directions
  • CO2 To give orders or commands using Impératif
  • CO3 To narrate events from the past using Passé Composé
  • CO4 Cite the ordinal numbers in French
  • CO5 Indicate the position of something using prepositions of place
  • CO1 Identifies the nature, features, elements of One Act Plays and Short Stories and skills of Translation
  • CO2 Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain skills of Evaluation.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study
  • CO5 Employ the techniques and skills of Literature and Translation
  • CO1 Student will identify the strategies of basic communication Write effective and concise letters and memos, Prepare informal and formal reports,
  • CO2 Students will interpret the official communication, andThey will summaries the content of note making and letter formation in business communication. They will explain the use of different fonts and conversation in Malayalam
  • CO3, they solve the problems in various competitive examinations in Malayalam Students will obtain writing techniques that today’s technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction,
  • CO4 Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence. Use e-mail effectively and efficiently,
  • CO5 Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and professional relationships, and Utilize electronic presentation software.
  • CO1 Understand and apply grammatical concepts in drafting sentences and paragraphs
  • CO2 Apply the rules and regulations in handling usage of Lrt lakara and Asmad Sabdah, practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO3 Form an idea of the aesthetic expressions that make Sanskrit composition get the position of pride in world literature
  • CO4 Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in Sanskrit
  • CO5 Appreciate the art of employment of Alankaras in a prose form of poetry
  • CO1 Realize the importance of resilience
  • CO2 Become good decision-makers
  • CO3 Imbibe problem-solving skills
  • CO4 Use tenses appropriately
  • CO5 Use English effectively at the work place.
  • CLO 1: Find pole, polar for conics, diameters, conjugate diameters for ellipse and hyperbola.
  • CO 2: Find the polar equations of straight line and circle, equations of chord, tangent and normal and to find theasymptotes of hyperbola.
  • CO 3: Explain in detail the system of Planes.
  • CO 4: Explain in detail the system of Straight lines.
  • CO 5: Explain in detail the system of Spheres.
  • CO 1: Determine the integrals of algebraic, trigonometric and logarithmic functions and to find thereduction formulae.
  • CO 2: Evaluate double and triple integrals and problems using change of order of integration .
  • CO 3: Solve multiple integrals and to find the areas of curved surfaces and volumes of solids ofrevolution.
  • CO 4: Explain beta and gamma functions and to use them in solving problems of integration.
  • CO 5: Explain Geometric and Physical applications of integral calculus.
  • CO1 Explain the concepts of interference diffraction using principles of superposition of waves and rephrase the concept of polarization based on wave patterns.
  • CO2 Outline the basic foundation of different atom models and various experiments establishing quantum concepts. Relate the importance of interpreting improving theoretical models based on observation. Appreciate interdisciplinary nature of science and in solar energy related applications.
  • CO3 Summarize the properties of nuclei, nuclear forces structure of atomic nucleus and nuclear models. Solve problems on delayrate half-life and mean-life. Interpret nuclear processes like fission and fusion. Understand the importance of nuclear energy, safety measures carried and get our Govt. agencies like DAE guiding the country in the nuclear field.
  • CO4 To describe the basic concepts of relativity like equivalence principle, inertial frames and Lorentz transformation. Extend their knowledge on concepts of relativity and vice versa. Relate this with current research in this field and get an overview of research projects of National and International importance, like LIGO, ICTS, and opportunities available.
  • CO5 Summarize the working of semiconductor devices like junction diode, Zenerdiode, transistors and practical devices we daily use like USB chargers and EV charging stations.
  • CO 1: Find numerical differentiation using types of interpolation formulae.
  • CO 2: Find numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s 1/3 rule – Simpson’s 3/8 rule – Weddle’s rule.
  • CO 3: Solve linear homogeneous & non-homogeneous difference equation with constant coefficients and calculate particular integrals.
  • CO 4: Find numerical solution to ODE using Taylor’s series, Picard’s & Eulers’ Method.
  • CO 5: Find numerical solution to ODE using Modified Euler’s method & 4th order RK method.
  • CO 1: Develop an understanding of numerical methods for solving mathematical problems.
  • CO 2: Acquire knowledge of programming concepts and the basics of scilab language.
  • CO 3: Apply numerical algorithms to solve mathematical problems using scilab.
  • CO 4: Implement and test numerical algorithms using scilab.
  • CO 5: Analyse and interpret the results of numerical differentiation and integration.
  • CO1 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பேசவும்‌ பிறர்‌ பேசுவதைப்‌ புரிந்துகொள்ளவும்‌ திறன் பெறுதல்‌. தமிழைப்‌ படிக்கவும்‌ எழுதவும்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்(K1, K2)
  • CO2 கடிதம்‌, விண்ணப்பம்‌, நிகழ்ச்சிக்‌ குறிப்புகள்‌ எழுதுதல்‌, தகவல்‌ தொடர்புச் சாதனங்களில்‌ தகவல்‌ எழுதுதல்‌ என அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ தமிழ்ப்பயன்பாட்டைக்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்‌(K1, K3, K4)
  • CO3 தமிழின்‌ இலக்கிய வளத்தோடு தமிழரின்‌ அறக்‌ கோட்பாடுகளையும் தமிழரின்‌ வரலாற்று-பண்பாட்டுச்‌ செழுமையையும்‌ புரிந்துகொள்வர்.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO4 தமிழறிஞர்களையும்‌ : படைப்பாளிகள்‌, அரசியல்‌ தலைவர்கள்‌, சிறந்த ஆளுமைகளைப்‌ பற்றி அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 தமிழர்‌ கலை, பண்பாடு, பழக்கவழங்கங்கள்‌, விளையாட்டுகள்‌, விழாக்கள்‌, தமிழரின்‌ தனித்த அடையாளங்கள்‌, சிறப்புகள்‌ ஆகியவற்றைஅறிவதோடு,

    அவரவர்‌ மண்ணுகுரிய கலைப்‌ பண்பாட்டோடு ஒப்பிட்டுப்புரிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)

  • CO1 உரைநடை இலக்கியத்தின்‌ பெருமைகளை உணர்ந்து, அதனை அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ பயன்படுத்தும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K2, K3)

  • CO2 பண்டைத்‌ தமிழ்‌ இலக்கியங்கள்‌ காட்டும்‌ சமூக, பண்பாட்டு, வாழ்வியல்  முறைகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1, K3,K4)
  • CO3 காப்பியக்‌ கட்டமைப்புகளை இன்றைய புதினம்‌, திரைப்படங்கள் ஆகியவற்றுடன்‌ ஒப்பிட்டுக்‌ காணும்‌ அறிவைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 தமிழ்‌ இலக்கிய மரபினையும்‌ மாற்றங்களையும்‌ ஆய்ந்து உணரும் ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 மொழிபெயர்ப்புத்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவதோடு, அன்றாட வாழ்வின்‌ தேவைகளான பல்வகை அலுவலகக்‌ கடிதங்கள்‌ எழுதும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்.(K4,K5,K6)
  • CO 1: Develop an understanding of numerical methods for solving mathematical problems.
  • CO 2: Acquire knowledge of programming concepts and the basics of scilab language.
  • CO 3: Apply numerical algorithms to solve mathematical problems using scilab.
  • CO 4: Implement and test numerical algorithms using scilab.
  • CO 5: Analyse and interpret the results of numerical differentiation and integration.
  • CO 1: Learn LaTeX.
  • CO 2: Type setting Mathematics.
  • CO 3: Know the essential of LaTeX, Document Classes and the Overall Structure.
  • CO 4: Know the Packages, Inputting Files, Inputting Pictures, Making a Bibliography.
  • CO 5: Prepare the Sample Article, Sample Report, Sample presentation and Sample Poster.

II year – III Semester

  • CO1  தமிழக வரலாற்றை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K4)
  • CO2 தமிழரின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ தொன்மையை அறிவர்᾽.(K5,K6)
  • CO3 தமிழரின்‌ பண்பாட்டுக்‌ கூறுகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO4 பிற பண்பாட்டுத்‌ தாக்கம்‌ மற்றும்‌ அணுகுமுறைகளை அறிவர்‌.(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the significance of the modern literary works.
  • CO2 To Explain the nature of modern style of writings.
  • CO3 To evaluate the culture through modern literary works.
  • CO4 . To indentify the Influence between Traditional and Modern literary works.
  • CO5 To interpret the various styles of fictions in Telugu.
  • CO1 Identify and appreciate the construction and the structure of different tenses and sentences
  • CO2 Translate simple texts
  • CO3 Draft and summarize literary texts
  • CO4 Apply the grammatical rules to express one’s ideas using different tenses
  • CO5 Analyze literary texts with respect to their structure and composition
  • CO1 Identifies the Ancient Poets their works, and impact of contemporary conditions of society and ancient History of Hindi Literature
  • CO2 Understand the theme, message, expressional and artistic skills.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings and literary trends of Ancient History
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study and of poems
  • CO5 Employ the techniques of interpretation and contextual meaning of texts
  • CO1 Students will interpret the literary texts in Modern Poetry.
  • CO2 They will summaries the content of the different types of poems.
  • CO3 They will explain the form and content of the poems.
  • CO4 They interpret the style of contemporary poetry.
  • CO5 They will understand aesthetic beauty.
  • CO1 Be familiar with the style of the great Sanskrit Dramatist Bhasa
  • CO2 Be able to appreciate the aesthetical, social, political, cultural, etc., values expressed in prescribed composition
  • CO3 Understand the structural patterns of Sanskrit dramatic composition
  • CO4 Develop the finer and minor nuances of Nataka form of drama
  • CO5 Analyze the literary texts
  • CO1 Listen actively(PO1, PO7)
  • CO2 Develop interpersonal relationship skills(PO1, PO2, PO 10)
  • CO3 Acquire self-confidence to cope with stress(PO4, PO6, PO9)
  • CO4 Master grammar skills(PO4, PO5, PO6)
  • CO5 Carry out business communication effectively(PO3,PO8)
  • CO 1: Find the derivative of vector and sum of vectors, product of scalar and vector point functionand to determine derivatives of scalar and vector products.
  • CO 2: Applications of the operator ‘del’ and to Explain soleonidal and ir-rotational vectors .
  • CO 3: Solve simple line integrals.
  • CO 4: Solve surface integrals and volume integrals.
  • CO 5: Verify the theorems of Gauss, Stoke’s and Green’s (Two Dimension).
  • CO 1: Determine solutions of homogeneous equations, non-homogeneous equations of degree onein two variables, solve Bernoulli’s equations and exact differential equations.
  • CO 2: Find the solutions of equations of first order but not of higher degree and to determineparticular integrals of algebraic, exponential, trigonometric functions and their products.
  • CO 3: Find solutions of simultaneous linear differential equations, linear equations of second orderand to find solutions using the method of variations of parameters.
  • CO 4: Form a PDE by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions, find complete,singular and general integrals, to solve Lagrange’s equations .
  • CO 5: Explain standard forms and Solve Differential equations using Charpit’s method.
  • CO 1: Able to understand identify random variables and distribution functions.
  • CO 2: Able to identify bivariate distribution characteristic, generating functions.
  • CO 3: Able to understand sampling distributions.
  • CO 4: Able to understand estimators.
  • CO 5: Able to understand the testing of hypothesis.
  • CO 1: gain in-depth knowledge about the theories of chemical bonding, nuclear reactions and its applications.
  • CO 2: evaluate the efficiencies and uses of various fuels and fertilizers
  • CO 3: explain the type of hybridization, electronic effect and mechanism involved in the organic reactions.
  • CO 4: apply various thermodynamic principles, systems and phase rule.
  • CO 5: explain various methods to identify an appropriate method for the separation of chemical components
  • CO 1: gain an understanding of the use of standard flask and volumetric pipettes, burette.
  • CO2: design, carryout, record and interpret the results of volumetric titration.
  • CO 3: apply their skill in the analysis of water/hardness.
  • CO4: To create the awareness about food adulterants
  • CO 1: analyze data using the statistical tool R.
  • CO 2: Create vectors, lists, matrices, arrays and data frames using R.
  • CO 3: Design and implement the program using data frame, list to provide the solution for various problem.
  • CO 4: Ability to apply statistical techniques using R Programming for decision making.
  • CO 5: Study about factors and tables and to solve statistical problems.
  • CLO 1: Illustrate the basic concept of E- Business and its applications
  • CLO 2: Illustrate the Tally essentials Prime
  • CLO 3: Enumerate the accounting treatments in tally
  • CLO 4: Describe the extraction of report in tally
  • CLO 5: Discuss the taxes implications in tally.

II year – IV Semester

  • CO1 தாய்மொழி வழியாக அறிவியல்‌ பற்றிச்‌ சிந்திக்கும்‌ திறன்‌ பெற்றிருப்பர்(K4)
  • CO2 அறிவியல்‌ கலைச்‌ சொல்லாக்கம்‌ பற்றிய விதிகள்‌, நுணுக்கங்களைத் தெரிந்திருப்பர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 அறிவியல்‌ தமிழ்‌ வளர்ச்சியில்‌ மொழிபெயர்ப்பின்‌ பங்கு குறித்து அறிந்திருப்பர்(K3)
  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌᾽(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the rich trading of Telugu Drama
  • CO2. To Explain nature of Drama of Telugu
  • CO3 To describe the nature of understandings in Drama
  • CO4 To evaluate the culture of the society through Drama.
  • CO5 To brief the content of the techniques of translation composition
  • CO1 Apply connecting words (cause, but, concession, condition, hypothèse, conséquence) to improve the spoken as well as written communication skills
  • CO2 Differentiate the various past tenses in “Les Temps du Passé” and their unique usage
  • CO3 Summarize the literary texts
  • CO4 Identify and apply the different grammatical tenses of “les temps du passé” in sample exercises to practice
  • CO5 Critically assess the literary texts through an analysis of its themes, narrative techniques, characters and its cultural significance
  • CO1 Evaluate the poetic skills of poets and their poems
  • CO2 Identify the conditions inspire the poets and writers
  • CO3 Enumerate the literary trends and different literary forms
  • CO4 Understand the human, social, ethical and literary values
  • CO5 Obtain the knowledge to evaluate and critical analysis of literary works
  • CO1 Students will be able to word as: Photo editor ∙ Web designer ∙ Graphic designer ∙ DTP Operator ∙ Logo Designer ∙ Digital illustrator ∙ Pattern Maker ∙ Stationary Designer etc.
  • CO2 Students will interpret the different styles photo shops.
  • CO3 They will apply different images and lay outs for invitation making.
  • CO4 They will explain the style of caption writing
  • CO5 They interpret the style of contemporary high resolution technology for brochure making.
  • CO6 They will understand aesthetic beauty image construction.
  • CO7 They obtain the style of image construction.
  • CO1 Apply the usage of compound words
  • CO2 Differentiate the alankaras
  • CO3 Translate the prose passages prescribed
  • CO4 Identify and apply different grammatical tenses of “Mahabharata” related translation
  • CO5 Analyze and critically assess the literary texts
  • CO1 Determine their goals( PO1,PO7)
  • CO2 Identify the value of integrity.(PO1,PO2,PO10)
  • CO3 Deal with emotions.(PO4,PO6,PO9)
  • CO4 Frame grammatically correct sentences(PO4,PO5,PO6)
  • CO5 Write cohesive reports.(PO3,PO8)
  • CO 1: Understand Fomulation of Linear Programming Problem and solving LPP using Graphical and Simplex Method.
  • CO 2: Get skilled to solve transportation problem and sequencing problem.
  • CO 3: Understand simulation techniques.
  • CO 4: Construct Shewhart control charts and use variable control charts to monitor process performance.
  • CO 5: Design and implement acceptance sampling plans for attributes and variables.
  • CO 1: Explain in detail about sets and functions, equivalence and countability and the LUB axiom.
  • CO 2: Explain Sequence and Subsequence of real numbers and to find the limit of sequence to test forconvergent, divergent, bounded and monotone sequences.
  • CO 3: Explain the operations on convergent and divergent sequences and to explain the concepts of limitsuperior and limit inferior and the notion of Cauchy sequences.
  • CO 4: Classify the series of real numbers and the alternating series and their convergence and divergence,the conditional convergence and absolute convergence and solve problems on convergence of the sequences.
  • CO 5: Explain about the metric spaces and functions continuous on a Metric space.
  • CO 1: Find the Laplace Transform and evaluation of integrals using Laplace Transform.
  • CO 2: Apply Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations and equations involving integrals.
  • CO 3: Expansion of Periodic Functions of Period 2, Expansion of Odd and Even Functions,Half Range Fourier Series and Change of Intervals.
  • CO 4: Find the Fourier Transforms, Infinite Fourier Transforms and their properties
  • CO 5: Evaluate Fourier sine and cosine transform, Parseval’s identity and learn convolution theorems.
  • CO 1: Identify different facets of data and explain the data science process.
  • CO 2: Retrieve and transform data, perform exploratory data analysis and build models.
  • CO 3: Evaluate and compare machine learning algorithms and apply them to real world datascience problems.
  • CO 4: Understand the Hadoop framework and use it for big data processing.
  • CO 5: Explain the concepts of NoSQL databases and apply them to solve data management problems.
  • CO 1: Students will be able to design and publish their own web pages using HTML.
  • CO 2: Students will be able to define styles using pseudo-elements and link a style sheet to an HTML document.
  • CO 3: Students will be able to create web page layouts and designs using CSS, and style various elements such as background, text, and font.
  • CO 4: Students will be able to design and implement forms and form elements in their webpages.
  • CO 5: Students will be able to create a well-structured web site with appropriate titles and themes.
  • CO1: Relating the SPSS packages and Files
  • CO 2: Use the basic functions of SPSS
  • CO 3: Process data and generate statistics for some demographic variable analysis.
  • CO 4: Generate graphs and diagrams for data analysis.
  • CO 5: Process data and generate outputs using SPSS software.
  • CO 1: Understand the various concepts of AI Techniques.
  • CO 2: Understand various AI approaches
  • CO 3: Understand various Search Algorithm in AI.
  • CO 4: Understand reasoning in AI
  • CO 5: Understand Knowledge Representation in AI

III year – V Semester

  • CO 1: Explain groups, subgroups and cyclic groups
  • CO 2: Explain about Normal subgroup, Quotient groups, Homomorphisms and Automorphisms and verify the functions for homomorphism and automorphism properties
  • CO 3: Explain Permutation groups and apply Cayley’s theorem to problems
  • CO 4: Explain Rings, Ideals and Quotient Rings and examine their structure
  • CO 5: Discuss about the field of quotient of an integral domain and to Explain in detail about Euclidean Rings.
  • CO 1: Explain the concepts of Continuous and Discontinuous functions, open and close sets, Connectedness, Completeness and Compactness
  • CO 2: Explain the concepts of bounded and totally bounded sets, continuity of inverse functions and Uniform continuity
  • CO 3: Define the sets of measure zero, to Explain about the existence and properties of Riemann integral
  • CO 4: Explain the concept of differentiability and to Explain Rolle’s theorem, Law of mean, and Fundamental theorem of calculus
  • CO 5: Explain the point wise and uniform convergence of sequence of function and to derive the Taylor’s theorem
  • CO 1: Explain simple situations requiring Mathematical Modelling and to Determine thecharacteristics of such models
  • CO 2: Model using differential equations in-terms of linear growth and Decay models
  • CO 3: Model using systems of ordinary differential equations of first order, to discuss aboutvarious models under the categories ‘Epidemics’ and ‘Medicine’
  • CO 4: Explain in detail about difference equations
  • CO 5: Model using difference equations
  • CO 1: Define network and its components and compute CPM and PERT.
  • CO 2: Define queues, analyse the steady state model with finite and infinite capacities
  • CO 3: Define EOQ model with uniform demand rate and solve the classical newspaper boy problems with discrete demand.
  • CO 4: Define two-person zero sum game, solving problems using minimax and maxmini criterion, find the value of the game using dominance method, graphical method
  • CO 5: Understand information theory and the encoding process.
  • CO 1: Remember the program structure of C with its syntax and semantics
  • CO 2: Understand the programming principles in C (data types, operators, branching and looping, arrays, functions, structures, pointers and files
  • CO 3: Apply the programming principles learnt in real-time problems
  • CO 4: Analyze the various methods of solving a problem and choose the best method
  • CO 5: Code, debug and test the programs with appropriate test cases
  • CO 1: Students will gain an understanding of the basics of Machine Learning,including its applications and types.
  • CO 2: Students will gain knowledge of Classification and Model Selection techniques, including various distance-based Machine Learning methods.
  • CO 3: Students will be able to implement and evaluate UnsupervisedMachineLearning techniques such as Clustering and PCA.
  • CO 4: Students will be able to design Machine Learning Algorithms for classificationand regression tasks and evaluate their performance using relevant metrics.
  • CO 5: Students will be able to apply Statistical Learning Theory and Ensemblemethods to improve Machine Learning algorithms’ performance
  • CO 1: Students will gain an understanding of the Basic definition of Logics with examples.
  • CO 2: Students will gain knowledge of Predicate Logic.
  • CO 3: Students will be able to implement and evaluate types of Lattices and Boolean Algebra
  • CO 4: Students will learn about Pigeon Hole principle and Permutation andCombination.
  • CO 5: Students will be able to gather information about Formal Languages

III year – VI Semester

  • CO 1: Acquire a detailed knowledge about vector spaces and subspaces
  • CO 2: Explain the concepts of Linear Dependence, Linear Independence, Bases and Dimension of basis
  • CO 3: Explain the concept of Linear Transformations, their Matrix representation and the notion of dual spaces
  • CO 4: Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors, to apply the concepts for diagonalisation
  • CO5: Explain about Inner product and norms and to apply Gram Schmidt Orthogonalization Process to problems on inner product spaces
  • CO 1: Explain about analytic functions, their differentiation and continuity and to verify the Harmonic functions using analyticity conditions
  • CO 2: Explain the concept of Conformal mappings and mappings by linear transformations and linear fractional transformations
  • CO 3: Explain about the integrations of functions over simply and multiply connected domains and to derive the Cauchy integral formula, Liouvlle’s theorem, Fundamental theorem of Algebra and Maximum Module Principle
  • CO 4: Find the convergence the sequences and series, to derive Taylor’s and Laurent’s series
  • CO 5: Find the nature of singularities, to find the residue of a given function at a given singular point, to Explain about zeros and poles and to evaluate real improper integrals (Excluding poles on the real axis)
  • CO 1: Define Resultant, Component of a Force, Coplanar forces, like and unlike parallel forces, Equilibrium of a Particle, Limiting equilibrium of a particle on an inclined plane.
  • CO 2: Define Moment of a force and Couple with examples. Define Parallel Forces and Forces acting along a Triangle, Solve problems on frictional forces
  • CO 3: Define work, energy, power, rectilinear motions under varying forces. Define Simple Harmonic Motion and find its Geometrical representation.
  • CO 4: Define Projectile, impulse, impact and laws of impact. Prove that the path of a projectile is a parabola. Find the direct and oblique impact of smooth elastic spheres
  • CO 5: Define central orbits, explain conic as centered orbits and solve problems related to central orbits
  • CO 1: Recalling various concepts relating to languages and applications
  • CO 2: Understanding various functions of C++ language
  • CO 3: Applying various classes and objects
  • CO 4: Analyzing different types of inheritance system
  • CO 5: Understanding working bout files and exception handling
  • CO 1: Able to identify different types of fuzzy sets
  • CO 2: Able to find the union of two fuzzy sets.
  • CO3: Able to define fuzzy complements
  • CO 4: Able to explain cylindrical fuzzy relations
  • CO 5: Able to evaluate given decision making in fuzzy environment
  • CO 1: Graphs, representation of graphs and basic concepts
  • CO 2: Eulerian, Hamiltonian properties
  • CO 3: Bipartite graph, tree and connectivity
  • CO 4: Planar graph and its properties
  • CO 5: Graph colouring concepts
  • CO 1: Demonstrate the understanding of basic programming terminologies and packages of python language.
  • CO 2: Will gain knowledge on concepts and packages for data analysis, modelling, and visualization in python language.
  • CO 3: In depth understanding about structure and LOOP
  • CO 4: Analyze the time series data to design an optimized investment plan.
  • CO 5: Demonstrate financial and Economic
  • CO 1: Able to solve problems in averages
  • CO 2: Able to solve problems in simple and compound interest
  • CO 3: Able to solve problems in time and work.
  • CO 4: Able to solve problems in profit and loss
  • CO 5: Able to solve problems on numbers