

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.



I year – I Semester

  • CO1 சங்க இலக்கியத்தில்‌ காணப்பெறும்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ சிந்தனைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K4)
  • CO2 அற இலக்கியம்‌ மற்றும்‌ தமிழ்‌ காப்பியங்களின்வழி வாழ்வியல் சிந்தனையைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K5, K6)
  • CO3 பக்தி இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ பக்தி நெறியினையும்‌, பகுத்தறிவு இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ வழி நல்லிணக்கத்தையும்‌ தெரிந்து பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)

  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்‌.(K2)
  • CO 1. To understand ancient, medieval & modern literary text in Telugu
  • CO 2. To describe text and context of ancient, medieval & modern Telugu Classical literature.
  • CO 3. To evaluate the difference between the ancient, medieval & Modern style of writing. பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)
  • CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
  • CO 5. To narrate the poetry and improve the grammatical skill of writing
  • CO 1. Introduce oneself and talk about one’s likes and dislikes
  • CO 2. Invite someone, to accept or deny an invitation
  • CO 3. Making purchases at the market
  • CO 4. Recall and remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in a dialogue.

  • CO 5. Apply the learnt grammar rules in practice exercises to improve them understanding

  • CO 1. Explains the nature, features, elements of prose forms and Functional Hindi

  • CO 2. Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain application skills.

  • CO 3. Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers.

  • CO 4. Obtain skills of critical analysis of Literary forms and drafting skills of personal letters, business letters, noting and drafting skills

  • CO 5. Learn to Employ the obtained skills in enriching the bright future
  • CO 1. Students will review the novel and short stories
  • CO 2. They will summaries the content of novel
  • CO 3. They will explain the characteristics of novel
  • CO 4. They interpret the different texts
  • CO 5. They will understand the word level and
  • CO 1. Remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in dialogue.

  • CO 2. Apply the rules of usage in practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO 3. Explain the nuances in the usage of various grammatical tenses and aspects

  • CO 4. Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in French

  • CO 5. Communicate in French and summarize the given text
  • CO1 Acquire self-awareness and positive thinking required in various life situations

  • CO2 Acquire the attribute of empathy.
  • CO3 Acquire creative and critical thinking abilities.
  • CO4 Learn basic grammar
  • CO5 Development and integrate the use of four language skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  • CO1 Understand and describe the basic elements of poetry, including meter, rhyme, and theme. 
  • CO2 Gain knowledge of the elements of fiction including narrative structure, character analysis and comparison between different but related texts. 
  • CO3 Have an idea about dramatic storytelling including play structure, monologues, dialogue, and scene setting. 
  • CO4 Use library resources to research and develop arguments about literary works. 
  • CO5 Work skillfully within a team, respect coworkers, delegate work and contribute to a group project. 
  • CO1 Appreciate the historical trajectory of various genres of Indian Writing in English from colonial times to till the present 
  • CO2 Analyze Indian literary texts written in English in terms of colonialism, postcolonialism, regionalism, and nationalism 
  • CO3 Understand the role of English as a medium for political awakening and the use of English in India for creative writing 
  • CO4 Analyze how the sociological, historical, cultural and political context impacted the texts selected for study 
  • CO5 Evaluate critically the contributions of major Indian English poets and dramatists 
  • CO1 Gain extensive insight into the history of English literature, while laying special emphasis on various literary movements, genres and writers that are held to be the representatives of their times. 
  • CO2 Evaluate the way socio-cultural and historical phenomena influence the literary production of a particular period 
  • CO3 Familiarize themselves with the socio-cultural ambience and the discursive frameworks of various ages 
  • CO4 Develop a nuanced appreciation of the literary stalwarts of those times. 
  • CO5 Gain in-depth understanding on the growth of the English language under the influence of various other languages including Latin and French, besides being mentored in the structural nitty-gritties of the language. 
  • CO1 Identify the basic principles of communication 
  • CO2 Analyze the various types of communication 
  • CO3 Make use of the essential principles of communication 
  • CO4 Identify the prominent methods and models of Communication. 
  • CO5 Learn about the four skills of language and get familiarized with them. 
  • CO 1 தமிழ்‌ உயிரெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும்‌ மெய்யெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO 2 உயிர்‌, மெய்‌, உயிர்மெய்த்‌ துணைக்‌ குறியீடுகளை அறிந்து அவற்றை எழுதும் திறன் பெறுவர்‌.(K2)

  • CO 3 ஒரு எழுத்துக்கு ஒரு ஒலி, ஒரு ஒலிக்கு ஒரு எழுத்து என்ற தமிழின் உச்சரிப்பு – வரிவடிவத்‌ தொடர்பை உணர்வர்‌.(K3,K4)
  • CO 4 சில அடிப்படையான மொழி இலக்கண விதிகளை அறிந்து பயன்படுத்துவர்‌..(K3,K5)
  • CO 5 தமிழ்நாட்டுச்‌ சூழலில்‌ அன்றாடத்‌ தேவைகளை நிறைவேற்றிக்கொள்ள ஏற்ற மொழிப்‌ பயன்பாடுகளை அறிவர்‌.(K4,K6)
  • CO1 சமகால இலக்கியங்களின்‌ நோக்குகள்‌-போக்குகள்‌ குறித்து மாணவர்கள் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K2)
  • CO2 நாட்டுப்புற மக்களின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌, அறிவாற்றல்‌, இன்றைய நிலை ஆகியவை குறித்துச்‌ சிந்திப்பர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO3 தங்கள்‌ கற்பனை வளத்தை மாணவர்கள்‌ பெருக்கிக்‌ கொள்வர்‌.(K2,K4,K6)
  • CO4 மொழியில்‌ பிழைகள்‌ நேரா வண்ணம்‌ எழுதக்‌ கற்றுக்‌ கொள்வதோடு திறனாய்வு செய்யும்‌ ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4)
  • CO5 திரைப்படம்‌, சின்னத்திரை, தொலைக்காட்சி உள்ளிட்ட ஊடகங்களில் பாடல்‌, இசை, எழுத்து எனப்‌ பல்வேறு வேலைவாய்ப்புகள்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4,K6)
  • CO1 Attain communicative competence so that they can use language accurately and appropriately 
  • CO2 Understand the basic features of communication and aim at improving language skills 
  • CO3 Gain useful letter/report writing tools, tips and techniques to effectively apply the skills to their everyday workplace correspondence. 
  • CO4 Demonstrate the particulars of writing effective emails, whilst improving punctuation and grammar. 
  • CO5 Make sure that the style, content and message is concise, correct and appropriate. 

I year – II Semester

  • CO1 சிற்றிலக்கியங்களின்வழி இலக்கியச்‌ சுவையினையும்‌ பண்பாட்டு அறிவினையும்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K4)
  • CO2   புதுக்கவிதை வரலாற்றினை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 திராவிட இயக்க இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ மொழி உணர்வு இன உணர்வு, சமத்துவம்‌ சார்ந்த சிந்தனைகளைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO4 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பிழையின்றி எழுதவும்‌, புதிய கலைச்சொற்களை உருவாக்கவும்‌ அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO5 போட்டித்‌ தேர்வுகளில்‌ வெற்றி பெறுவதற்குத்‌ தமிழ்ப்‌ பாடத்தினைப் பயன்கொள்ளும்‌ வகையில்‌ பயிற்சி பெறுவர்‌.
  • CO1 To understand the Contemporary literary text in Telugu
  • CO2. To Explain the nature of Modern Poetry
  • O3 To Explain the Contemporary author style of writings
  • CO4 To evaluate the difference between the ancient and Contemporary Literature.
  • CO5 To use grammatical styles in writing.
  • CO1 To ask for and give directions
  • CO2 To give orders or commands using Impératif
  • CO3 To narrate events from the past using Passé Composé
  • CO4 Cite the ordinal numbers in French
  • CO5 Indicate the position of something using prepositions of place
  • CO1 Identifies the nature, features, elements of One Act Plays and Short Stories and skills of Translation
  • CO2 Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain skills of Evaluation.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study
  • CO5 Employ the techniques and skills of Literature and Translation
  • CO1 Student will identify the strategies of basic communication Write effective and concise letters and memos, Prepare informal and formal reports.
  • CO2 Students will interpret the official communication, and They will summaries the content of note making and letter formation in business communication. They will explain the use of different fonts and conversation in Malayalam
  • CO3, they solve the problems in various competitive examinations in Malayalam Students will obtain writing techniques that today’s technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction.
  • CO4 Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence. Use e-mail effectively and efficiently.
  • CO5 Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and professional relationships, and Utilize electronic presentation software.
  • CO1 Understand and apply grammatical concepts in drafting sentences and paragraphs
  • CO2 Apply the rules and regulations in handling usage of Lrt lakara and Asmad Sabdah, practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO3 Form an idea of the aesthetic expressions that make Sanskrit composition get the position of pride in world literature
  • CO4 Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in Sanskrit
  • CO5 Appreciate the art of employment of Alankaras in a prose form of poetry
  • CO1 Realize the importance of resilience
  • CO2 Become good decision-makers
  • CO3 Imbibe problem-solving skills
  • CO4 Use tenses appropriately
  • CO5 Use English effectively at the work place.
  • CO1 Demonstrate knowledge of the major social, political, philosophical, and scientific events forming the back drop for the development of early British Literature. 
  • CO2 Synthesize, integrate, and connection formation by Writing essays using techniques of critic is made by evaluation. 
  • CO3Readanddiscussthethemes,approaches,styles,andcontributionstothe developmentofBritishliteraturefromtheMedievalPeriodtotheendofth eeighteenth-century 
  • CO4 DistinguishbetweenthecharacteristicsofBritishliterarymovementsin discussingandwritingaboutBritishliterature. 
  • CO5 Critically appreciate literature using standard literary terminology and other literary conventions. 
  • CO1 Analyze and discuss works of American literature from arrange of genres (e.g. poetry, nonfiction, slave narrative, captivity narrative, literary fiction, genre fiction, sermon, public proclamations, letters, etc.). 
  • CO2 Identify relationships between moments in American history, colonialism, and culture and their representation in works of American literature. 
  • CO3 Articulate ways that American literature reflects complex historical and cultural experiences. 
  • CO4 Produce a mix of critical, creative, and/ or reflective works about American literature to 1865. 
  • CO5 Analyze and describe about American literature using standard literary terminology and other literary conventions
  • CO1 Recognize the milestones of British History from 18th century till the modern age and can relate how these movements influence the English society and Literatures of that period 
  • CO2 Identify the various revolutions and movements of English society leading to form a crucial opinion for the benefit of humanity 
  • CO3 Examine the causes and consequences of the war of Americans and French PO8
  • CO4 Evaluate the effects of the revolutions and their impacts in literature in a better perspective 
  • CO5 Analyze the reforms and the development of education, transport and communication in the modern era.,
  • CO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of public speaking 
  • CO2 Recognize barriers to public speaking and identify how to avoid them 
  • CO3 Understand how to give effective verbal and non verbal feedback 
  • CO4 Learn about planning speech organization for the intended audience 
  • CO5 Practice effective group delivery and speech informal context. 
  • CO1 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பேசவும்‌ பிறர்‌ பேசுவதைப்‌ புரிந்துகொள்ளவும்‌ திறன் பெறுதல்‌. தமிழைப்‌ படிக்கவும்‌ எழுதவும்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்(K1, K2)
  • CO2 கடிதம்‌, விண்ணப்பம்‌, நிகழ்ச்சிக்‌ குறிப்புகள்‌ எழுதுதல்‌, தகவல்‌ தொடர்புச் சாதனங்களில்‌ தகவல்‌ எழுதுதல்‌ என அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ தமிழ்ப்பயன்பாட்டைக்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்‌(K1, K3, K4)
  • CO3 தமிழின்‌ இலக்கிய வளத்தோடு தமிழரின்‌ அறக்‌ கோட்பாடுகளையும் தமிழரின்‌ வரலாற்று-பண்பாட்டுச்‌ செழுமையையும்‌ புரிந்துகொள்வர்.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO4 தமிழறிஞர்களையும்‌ : படைப்பாளிகள்‌, அரசியல்‌ தலைவர்கள்‌, சிறந்த ஆளுமைகளைப்‌ பற்றி அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 தமிழர்‌ கலை, பண்பாடு, பழக்கவழங்கங்கள்‌, விளையாட்டுகள்‌, விழாக்கள்‌, தமிழரின்‌ தனித்த அடையாளங்கள்‌, சிறப்புகள்‌ ஆகியவற்றைஅறிவதோடு,

    அவரவர்‌ மண்ணுகுரிய கலைப்‌ பண்பாட்டோடு ஒப்பிட்டுப்புரிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)

  • CO1 உரைநடை இலக்கியத்தின்‌ பெருமைகளை உணர்ந்து, அதனை அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ பயன்படுத்தும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K2, K3)

  • CO2 பண்டைத்‌ தமிழ்‌ இலக்கியங்கள்‌ காட்டும்‌ சமூக, பண்பாட்டு, வாழ்வியல்  முறைகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1, K3,K4)
  • CO3 காப்பியக்‌ கட்டமைப்புகளை இன்றைய புதினம்‌, திரைப்படங்கள் ஆகியவற்றுடன்‌ ஒப்பிட்டுக்‌ காணும்‌ அறிவைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 தமிழ்‌ இலக்கிய மரபினையும்‌ மாற்றங்களையும்‌ ஆய்ந்து உணரும் ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 மொழிபெயர்ப்புத்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவதோடு, அன்றாட வாழ்வின்‌ தேவைகளான பல்வகை அலுவலகக்‌ கடிதங்கள்‌ எழுதும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்.(K4,K5,K6)

II year – III Semester

  • CO1  தமிழக வரலாற்றை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K4)
  • CO2 தமிழரின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ தொன்மையை அறிவர்᾽.(K5,K6)
  • CO3 தமிழரின்‌ பண்பாட்டுக்‌ கூறுகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO4 பிற பண்பாட்டுத்‌ தாக்கம்‌ மற்றும்‌ அணுகுமுறைகளை அறிவர்‌.(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the significance of the modern literary works.
  • CO2 To Explain the nature of modern style of writings
  • CO3 To evaluate the culture through modern literary works.
  • CO4 To identify the Influence between Traditional and Modern literary works.
  • CO5 To interpret the various styles of fictions in Telugu
  • CO1 Identify and appreciate the construction and the structure of different tenses and sentences
  • CO2 Translate simple texts
  • CO3 Draft and summarize literary texts
  • CO4 Apply the grammatical rules to express one’s ideas using different tenses
  • CO5 Analyze literary texts with respect to their structure and composition
  • CO1 Identifies the Ancient Poets their works, and impact of contemporary conditions of society and ancient History of Hindi Literature
  • CO2 Understand the theme, message, expressional and artistic skills.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings and literary trends of Ancient History
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study and of poems
  • CO5 Employ the techniques of interpretation and contextual meaning of texts
  • CO1 Students will interpret the literary texts in Modern Poetry
  • CO2 They will summaries the content of the different types of poems
  • CO3 They will explain the form and content of the poems
  • CO4 They interpret the style of contemporary poetry
  • CO5 CO5 They will understand aesthetic beauty
  • CO1 Be familiar with the style of the great Sanskrit Dramatist Bhasa
  • CO2 Be able to appreciate the aesthetical, social, political, cultural, etc., values expressed in prescribed composition
  • CO3 Understand the structural patterns of Sanskrit dramatic composition
  • CO4 Develop the finer and minor nuances of Nataka form of drama
  • CO5 Analyze the literary texts
  • CO1 Listen actively(PO1, PO7)
  • CO2 Develop interpersonal relationship skills(PO1, PO2, PO 10)
  • CO3 Acquire self-confidence to cope with stress(PO4, PO6, PO9)
  • CO4 Master grammar skills(PO4, PO5, PO6)
  • CO5 Carry out business communication effectively(PO3,PO8)
  • CO1 Exhibit an understanding of and appreciation for key works in British literature, as evidenced in daily work and course discussions. 
  • CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of periodisation, theme, genre, motif, and so on, in British literature. 
  • CO3 Establish an understanding that historical, cultural, spiritual, and ethical issues, among others, shape human experiences and impact motivations. 
  • CO4 Respond to literature on important thematic considerations having to do with literary and historical milieu, culture, human responsibility, morality, ethics, and the manner and causes by which humans interact with one another. 
  • CO5 Analyze and express about British literature using standard literary lexicon and other literary conventions. 
  • CO1 Recognize the various genres of Children’s Literature
  • CO2 Acquire values through their reading of the works of Children’s Literature
  • CO3 Appreciate and c r i t i c i z e the similarities and differences in cultural imaginations.
  • CO4 Recognize the themes and artistic style employed in Children’s Literature
  • CO5 Critically evaluate the different approaches to Children’s Literature in various countries.
  • CO1 Gain extensive insight into the history of English literature, while laying special emphasis on various literary movements, genres and writers that are held to be the representatives of their times. 
  • CO2 Evaluate the way socio-cultural and historical phenomena influence the literary production of a particular period 
  • CO3 Familiarize themselves with the socio-cultural ambience and the discursive frameworks of various ages 
  • CO4 Develop a critical appreciation of the literary stalwarts of the respective periods 
  • CO5 Gain in-depth understanding on the growth of the English language under the influence of various other languages including Latin and French, besides being mentored in the structural nitty-gritties of the language. 
  • CO1 Understand the foundation of Entrepreneurship Development and its theories. 
  • CO2 Explore entrepreneurial skills and management function of a company. 
  • CO3 Identify the type of entrepreneur and the steps involved in an entrepreneurial venture. 
  • CO4 Understand various steps involved in starting a venture. 
  • CO5 Explore marketing methods & new trends in entrepreneurship. 
  • CO1 Use the STAR Method to describe relevant experiences in a way that reflects knowledge of the job/internship position description and employer. 
  • CO2 Identify appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication skills/techniques for an interview (e.g. eye contact, use of Filler words, hand gestures, and verbal pace). 
  • CO3 Demonstrate professional behavior(s)including preparedness, professional attire, and respectful presentation. 
  • CO4 Develop confidence in relationship to their interviewing skills. 
  • CO5 Be able to identify, discuss, and implement key job interview skills. 

II year – IV Semester

  • CO1 தாய்மொழி வழியாக அறிவியல்‌ பற்றிச்‌ சிந்திக்கும்‌ திறன்‌ பெற்றிருப்பர்(K4)
  • CO2 அறிவியல்‌ கலைச்‌ சொல்லாக்கம்‌ பற்றிய விதிகள்‌, நுணுக்கங்களைத் தெரிந்திருப்பர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 அறிவியல்‌ தமிழ்‌ வளர்ச்சியில்‌ மொழிபெயர்ப்பின்‌ பங்கு குறித்து அறிந்திருப்பர்(K3)
  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌᾽(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the rich trading of Telugu Drama
  • CO2. To Explain nature of Drama of Telugu)
  • CO3 To describe the nature of understandings in Drama
  • CO4 To evaluate the culture of the society through Drama.
  • CO5 To brief the content of the techniques of translation composition
  • CO1 Apply connecting words (cause, but, concession, condition, hypothèse, conséquence) to improve the spoken as well as written communication skills
  • CO2 Differentiate the various past tenses in “Les Temps du Passé” and their unique usage
  • CO3 Summarize the literary texts
  • CO4 Identify and apply the different grammatical tenses of “les temps du passé” in sample exercises to practice
  • CO5 Critically assess the literary texts through an analysis of its themes, narrative techniques, characters and its cultural significance
  • CO1 Evaluate the poetic skills of poets and their poems
  • CO2 Identify the conditions inspire the poets and writers
  • CO3 Enumerate the literary trends and different literary forms
  • CO4 Understand the human, social, ethical and literary values
  • CO5 Obtain the knowledge to evaluate and critical analysis of literary works
  • CO1 Students will be able to word as :Photo editor ∙ Web designer ∙ Graphic designer ∙ DTP Operator ∙ Logo Designer ∙ Digital illustrator ∙ Pattern Maker ∙ Stationary Designer etc
  • CO2 Students will interpret the different styles photo shops
  • CO3 They will apply different images and lay outs for invitation making
  • CO4 They will explain the style of caption writing
  • CO5 They interpret the style of contemporary high resolution technology for brochure making literary works
  • CO6 They will understand aesthetic beauty image construction
  • CO7 They obtain the style of image construction
  • CO1 Apply the usage of compound words
  • CO2 Differentiate the alankaras
  • CO3 Translate the prose passages prescribed
  • CO4 Identify and apply different grammatical tenses of “Mahabharata” related translation
  • CO5 Analyze and critically assess the literary texts
  • CO1 Determine their goals( PO1,PO7)
  • CO2 Identify the value of integrity.(PO1,PO2,PO10)
  • CO3 Deal with emotions.(PO4,PO6,PO9)
  • CO4 Frame grammatically correct sentences(PO4,PO5,PO6)
  • CO5 Write cohesive reports.(PO3,PO8)
  • CO1 Gain an exposure to some Classics in World Literature, both in theme and form. 
  • CO2 Be able to identify elements of universal literary merits as well as critically compare some of the great works of the East and the West. 
  • CO3 Gain an understanding of the works in their cultural/ historical contexts and of the enduring human values which unite the different literary traditions. 
  • CO4 Pay attention to critical thinking and writing within a frame work of cultural diversity 
  • CO5 Appreciate and examine the literary, cultural and human significance of the works of the diverse literary traditions. 
  • CO1 Comprehend the essential link between language and culture. Gain in depth understanding on the growth of the English language under the influence of various other languages including Latin and French, besides being mentored in the structural nitty-gritties of the language. 
  • CO2 Gain extensive insight into the history of English literature, while laying special emphasis on various literary movements, genres and writers that are held to be the representatives of their times. 
  • CO3 Evaluate the way socio-cultural and historical phenomena influence the literary production of a particular period 
  • CO4 Familiarize themselves with the socio-cultural ambience and the discursive frameworks of various ages 
  • CO5 Apply critical thinking, independent judgment, intercultural sensitivity and regional, national and global perspectives to identify and solve problems in English Language and Linguistics 
  • CO1 Gain extensive insight into the history of English literature, while laying special emphasis on various Literary movements, genres and writers that are held to be there preventative of their times. 
  • CO2 Evaluate the way socio-cultural and historical phenomena influence the literary production of a particular period 
  • CO3 Familiarize themselves with the socio-cultural ambience and the discursive frameworks of various ages 
  • CO4 Develop a critical appreciation of the literary stalwarts of the respective periods. 
  • CO5 Gain in-depth understanding on the growth of the English language under the influence of various other languages including Latin and French, besides being mentored in the structural nitty – gritties of the language. 
  • CO1 Attain communicative competence so that they can use language accurately and appropriately 
  • CO2 Understand the basic features of communication and aim at improving language skills 
  • CO3 Gain useful letter/report writing tools, tips and techniques to effectively apply the skills to their everyday work place correspondence. 
  • CO4 Demonstrate the particulars of writing effective emails, whilst improving punctuation and grammar. 
  • CO5 Make sure that the style, content and message is concise, correct and appropriate. 
  • CO1 Strengthen their languages kills: writing, reading, listening & speaking 
  • CO2 Understand real speech patterns and learn pronunciation techniques in fluent speech 
  • CO3 Improve their confidence and learn how to connect with people in English 
  • CO4 Develop a comprehensive vocabulary in order to improve the way of doing business in English and ultimately, to move you towards English proficiency 
  • CO5 Learn how to run meetings, deliver presentations, deal with clients and interact with colleagues 

III year – V Semester

  • CO1 Recognize the back ground, origin and special features of women’s writing with reference to western society

  • CO2 Integrate knowledge of the diversity of cultures through the works of various Women writers

  • CO3 Analyse various perspectives of women issues as expressed in the works of women writers representing women’s voices.

  • CO4 Identify how the significant others of the society contributed to the clear understanding of womanhood and authorship

  • CO5 Analyse and examine the major socio cultural and socio-economic constraints in defining women as equal human being through the works of women writers


  • CO1 Identify the fundamental characteristics and functions of folklore 
  • CO2 Get acquaint with the famous folk scholars of the world 
  • CO3 Enhance knowledge of various folk forms 
  • CO4 Interpret and analyze folklore from various theoretical perspectives 
  • CO5 Recognize the role of theories and methodologies in folklore studies and how they have been adapted in famous literary Works 
  • CO1 Recognize the multifaceted nature of cultural identities in the various Indian literatures through indigenous literary traditions 
  • CO2 Compare literary texts produced across Indian regional landscapes to seek similarities and differences in thematic and cultural perspectives. 
  • CO3 Learn to explore images in literary productions that express the writers‟ sense of their society. 
  • CO4 Explore texts outside of the suggested reading lists to realize the immense treasure trove of translated Indian literary works. 
  • CO5 Be familiar with concepts such as modernism, regionalism, the contemporary representations of history, class, and gender in modern Indian writing in translation 
  • CO1 Recognize the types of poetry and its distinguishing features. To classify the poets according to their work of art. To explore the nature and significance of poetic techniques with examples 
  • CO2 Define the characteristics and the development of essay. To acquire knowledge about the elements of personal and impersonal essays 
  • CO3 Distinguish the defining elements of Autobiography, Biography and short story. To learn the rules of criticism 
  • CO4 Comprehend the origin, growth and development of Drama. To classify the drama and dramatists according to specific characteristic features of Drama 
  • CO5 Recognize various types of novels with suitable examples. To learn the various techniques employed by the novelists. To explore the ways and manner the novels have changed over the years 
  • CO1 Demonstrate complex and various representations of Nature in Green Studies. 
  • CO2 Discuss different generic and formal modes of construction, including strategies for representing ecological disaster and apocalypse. 
  • CO3 Utilize the skills to reflect upon and critique both the real-world environmental crisis and representations of related issues by thinking with important contemporary theoretical concepts. 
  • CO4 Apply appropriate critical strategies to analyze the ideological dimensions of representations of nature and ecology in literature. 
  • CO5 Formulate secondary critical reading material, assessing the scholarly arguments that might contribute to their intellectual projects 
  • CO1 Distinguish the structures of biography and autobiography from one another in order to recognize them as distinct forms of literature. 
  • CO2 Compare and contrast the ways in which a perceiving, living individual (the “subject”) is treated in biography, autobiography, and other literary genres such as poetry, fiction, and journalism. 
  • CO3 Analyze how an author’s own ideology shapes reality in an autobiography or biography, including how it raises questions about truth, factuality, objectivity, and subjectivity. 
  • CO4 Connect biographical and autobiographical texts to their historical and cultural contexts. 
  • CO5 Examine the roles that argument, rhetoric, fiction, photography, aesthetics, and evidence play in the composing process of biography and autobiography. 
  • CO1 Understand the origin and sources of myths in literature 
  • CO2 Develop an in depth knowledge of the theoretical approaches of myth, ritual, philosophy, methods and contemporary issues in religious studies from ancient times to modern times. 
  • CO3 Gain insight to the basic idea of Vedic Epic and Puranic Mythology and also the connection among Fire, Rain, Stars, Holy Drink, Supernatural birth, Mountains & Rivers, Holy places & Festivals 
  • CO4 Understand symbolism with its different types and dimensions. 
  • CO5 Develop in-depth psychological devotion to the perspectives of Indian Mythology in Literature, Art, and Music 

III year – VI Semester

  • CO1 Demonstrate familiarity with the history of literary theory in the West, including prominent theorists and critics, important schools and movements, and the historical and cultural contexts important to those theories 
  • CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in literary Theory 
  • CO3 Understand the meaning, significance, and value of specific literary theoretical works. 
  • CO4 Analyze specific literary theories in order to distinguish them from other theories and to identify the structure and logic of their arguments. 
  • CO5 Use literary theoretical concepts to develop your own interpretations of literary texts. 
  • CO1 Associate and recount the impact of colonial rule throughout the world and how English permeated all colonies 
  • CO2 Explore the literatures from various colonies especially after the end of colonial rule expressing a cultural longing for their past and challenging the colonial intervention 
  • CO3 Compare, discuss and explain interconnections and functions of post-colonial literature and its contexts including comparative and interdisciplinary issues 
  • CO4 Critically evaluate arguments and assumptions about postcolonial literature. 
  • CO5 Examine culture and its relationship with individual memories and familial relationships, and how these emerge as powerful narratives of race and history 
  • CO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the historical, cultural and political contexts of the plays discussed 
  • CO2 Show evidence of wider reading and a knowledge of Shakespeare scholarship. 
  • CO3 Articulate ideas that identify, analyze and communicate principles and concepts of the plays 
  • CO4 Understand the distinctiveness of Shakespeare‟s works with special reference to the immortal characters he created, his intuitive understanding of human nature and the greatness of his craftmanship 
  • CO5 Analyze and appreciate the literary expertise of Shakespeare and his relevance to the current society
  • CO1 Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the place of English in India 
  • CO2 Critically evaluate the issues connected with English Language Teaching. Understand the critical nuances of teaching language. 
  • CO3 Exhibit the skill of teaching LSRW skills. Identifythevarietyofmaterialsavailableforlanguagelearningandteaching 
  • CO4 Identify and describe the different methods of teaching English language. Understand the appropriate ways of assessing language skills. 
  • CO5 Display a working knowledge of the use of technology in ELT 
  • CO1 Gain insight to the various ways in which literature and the moving image diverge as well as correspond through the theory of narrative while being a source of long conflict through much of the history of film studies. 
  • CO2 Familiarize with the inter-dependence of the two art forms that collectively and individually re-present, effectively ensuring that the fruition of the collaboration is often far from simple. 
  • CO3 Understand the politics and process of adaptation of literary forms into cinematic forms, how the process of signification in them vary and collide. 
  • CO4 Gain insight to the various ways in which literature and the moving image diverge as well as correspond through the theory of narrative while being a source of long conflict through much of the history of film studies. 
  • CO5 Familiarize with the inter-dependence of the two art forms that collectively and individually re-present, effectively ensuring that the fruition of the collaboration is often far from simple. 
  • CO1 To clearly convey specialized information from a technical field to nonspecialized audience. 
  • CO2 Find jobs for their livelihood be motivated for their future education. 
  • CO3 Apply the study of linguistic ability and grammar in their practical life. 
  • CO4 Understand professional writing by studying management communication contexts and genres, researching contemporary business topics, analyzing quantifiable data discovered by researching, and constructing finished professional workplace document sspecific 
  • CO5 Recognize, explain, and use the formal elements of genres of organizational communication: white papers, recommendation and analytical reports, proposals, memorandums, web pages, wikis, blogs, business letters, and promotional document. 
  • CO1 Acquire the knowledge of the origin and development of the print, electronic and web media. 
  • CO2 To enhance the knowledge of growth of print, electronic and web 
  • CO3 Analyze the significance of speech communication. 
  • CO4 Exercise their knowledge in producing a creative journal 
  • CO5 Analyze the social issues relevant to the society and sensitize through their professional skills in this field
  • CO1 Comprehend theoretical concepts related to social media as a form of communication., 
  • CO2 Apply theoretical concepts into research frame work. 
  • CO3 Be able to analyze audience usage patterns of varied social media applications 
  • CO4 Get familiarized with different thematic comparisons of media, communication and publication. 
  • CO5 Identify and examine various background theories related to the three concepts. 
  • CO1 Confidently, thoughtfully and respectfully express their ideas to their peers 
  • CO2 Share work in progress with peers, giving and receiving constructive criticism 
  • CO3 Gain awareness of the nexus between reading and writing works of travel writing 
  • CO4 Develop capacity to investigate contemporary travel writing contexts (social, historical, political, cultural) 
  • CO5 Reflect upon their own work in the context of travel writing by established writers 
  • CO1 Remember the literary terms forms and theories 
  • CO2 Recognize the different periods of English literature 
  • CO3 Identify the various trends and culture and its influence on English Literature 
  • CO4 Aware of the social, political and cultural issues and its reflections in literature. 
  • CO5 Interpret any literary piece of work