

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

B.A. DEFENCE AND STRATEGIC STUDIES-Course-Outcome-18.09.2024


I year – I Semester

  • CO1 சங்க இலக்கியத்தில்‌ காணப்பெறும்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ சிந்தனைகளை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K4)
  • CO2 அற இலக்கியம்‌ மற்றும்‌ தமிழ்‌ காப்பியங்களின்வழி வாழ்வியல் சிந்தனையைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K5, K6)
  • CO3 பக்தி இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ பக்தி நெறியினையும்‌, பகுத்தறிவு இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ வழி நல்லிணக்கத்தையும்‌ தெரிந்து பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)

  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்‌.(K2)
  • CO 1. To understand ancient, medieval & modern literary text in Telugu
  • CO 2. To describe text and context of ancient, medieval & modern Telugu Classical literature.
  • CO 3. To evaluate the difference between the ancient, medieval & Modern style of writing. பின்பற்றுவர்(K3)
  • CO 4. To describe about the style of the author.
  • CO 5. To narrate the poetry and improve the grammatical skill of writing
  • CO 1. Introduce oneself and talk about one’s likes and dislikes
  • CO 2. Invite someone, to accept or deny an invitation
  • CO 3. Making purchases at the market
  • CO 4. Recall and remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in a dialogue.

  • CO 5. Apply the learnt grammar rules in practice exercises to improve them understanding

  • CO 1. Explains the nature, features, elements of prose forms and Functional Hindi

  • CO 2. Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain application skills.

  • CO 3. Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers.

  • CO 4. Obtain skills of critical analysis of Literary forms and drafting skills of personal letters, business letters, noting and drafting skills

  • CO 5. Learn to Employ the obtained skills in enriching the bright future
  • CO 1. Students will review the novel and short stories
  • CO 2. They will summaries the content of novel
  • CO 3. They will explain the characteristics of novel
  • CO 4. They interpret the different texts
  • CO 5. They will understand the word level and
  • CO 1. Remember the usage of grammatical tenses in constructing sentences in dialogue.

  • CO 2. Apply the rules of usage in practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO 3. Explain the nuances in the usage of various grammatical tenses and aspects

  • CO 4. Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in French

  • CO 5. Communicate in French and summarize the given text
  • CO1 Acquire self-awareness and positive thinking required in various life situations

  • CO2 Acquire the attribute of empathy.
  • CO3 Acquire creative and critical thinking abilities.
  • CO4 Learn basic grammar
  • CO5 Development and integrate the use of four language skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  • CO1 Define the term Bharat, Hindustan and India. Explain the salient features of India and Geo-strategic location.(K1,K2,K4)
  • CO2 Highlight the important survey of physiographic features, Discuss India’s ethnic and linguistic composition.(K1,K2,K3)
  • CO3 Discuss the role of the system of governance and what are the importance of the governance. Outline the salient features of Indian constitution.(K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO4 List out importance of India’s resources, to develop the power resources of the nation.(K1,K2,K3,K5)
  • CO5 Explain the role of Defence Industries in India and to demonstrate the part played by the Defence Industries and DRDO.(K1,K2,K4)
  • CO1 Define war and peace. Explain the nomenclature of the subject defence and strategic studies and outline the relevance and significance of the program defence and strategic studies. (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO2 Outline the basic concepts of war, strategy, tactics, campaign, battle, and defence and security. Classify wars and explain the categorization of war (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO3 Discuss the causes of war and the principles of war (K1, K2, K3, K4)
  • CO4 Define peace and explain the various forms of peace. Analyse the role of peace education and peace movements. Explain the concept of peaceful coexistence and zone of peace (K1, K2, K3, K5)
  • CO5 Discuss the mechanics of war and peace. Evaluate the methods of settling international disputes and discuss the role of international law and international court of justice. Distinguish the concepts of peace making, Peace keeping and peace building. (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO1 Define Political science and outline its nature and scope. Explain the methods of political science.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO2 Describe the various elements of the state and explain the functions of the state. Distinguish between state and Nation, Nation and Nationality.(K1, K2, K3)
  • CO3 Analyze and Asses the important of Various theories of origin of state.(K1, K2, K3, K4)
  • CO4 Define and kinds of Sovereignty, Analyze the importance of Sovereignty and Pluralism(K1, K2, K3, K5)
  • CO5 Describe the role of the state and also explain in the role of individuals with reference to fundamental rights, liberty, and duties.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO1 Explain the Location and Physical Environment(K1,K2,K3)
  • CO2 Cultural Patterns, Population Dimension, Rural and Urban India.(K1, K2,K3,K4)
  • CO3 Basics of Indian Economy-Resources and Life Lines of Economy.(K1, K3,K4)
  • CO4 Constitution of India-Its Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights-Directive Principles of State Policy.(K1, K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Causes of India’s Social (K1, K3,K4)
  • CO 1 தமிழ்‌ உயிரெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும்‌ மெய்யெழுத்து வடிவங்களையும் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO 2 உயிர்‌, மெய்‌, உயிர்மெய்த்‌ துணைக்‌ குறியீடுகளை அறிந்து அவற்றை எழுதும் திறன் பெறுவர்‌.(K2)

  • CO 3 ஒரு எழுத்துக்கு ஒரு ஒலி, ஒரு ஒலிக்கு ஒரு எழுத்து என்ற தமிழின் உச்சரிப்பு – வரிவடிவத்‌ தொடர்பை உணர்வர்‌.(K3,K4)
  • CO 4 சில அடிப்படையான மொழி இலக்கண விதிகளை அறிந்து பயன்படுத்துவர்‌..(K3,K5)
  • CO 5 தமிழ்நாட்டுச்‌ சூழலில்‌ அன்றாடத்‌ தேவைகளை நிறைவேற்றிக்கொள்ள ஏற்ற மொழிப்‌ பயன்பாடுகளை அறிவர்‌.(K4,K6)
  • CO1 சமகால இலக்கியங்களின்‌ நோக்குகள்‌-போக்குகள்‌ குறித்து மாணவர்கள் அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K2)
  • CO2 நாட்டுப்புற மக்களின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌, அறிவாற்றல்‌, இன்றைய நிலை ஆகியவை குறித்துச்‌ சிந்திப்பர்‌.(K1,K2)
  • CO3 தங்கள்‌ கற்பனை வளத்தை மாணவர்கள்‌ பெருக்கிக்‌ கொள்வர்‌.(K2,K4,K6)
  • CO4 மொழியில்‌ பிழைகள்‌ நேரா வண்ணம்‌ எழுதக்‌ கற்றுக்‌ கொள்வதோடு திறனாய்வு செய்யும்‌ ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4)
  • CO5 திரைப்படம்‌, சின்னத்திரை, தொலைக்காட்சி உள்ளிட்ட ஊடகங்களில் பாடல்‌, இசை, எழுத்து எனப்‌ பல்வேறு வேலைவாய்ப்புகள்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K5,K4,K6)
  • CO1 Understand the basic knowledge on Defence and Strategic Studies including its relevance, significance, scope.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO2 Explain the basic concepts of strategic studies, its meaning, definition of nation-state, its interests, security and policies.(K1, K2, K3)
  • CO3 Understand the importance of states and its relations with other nations.(K1, K2, K3, K4)
  • CO4 Geo-political and economic aspects of strategic studies. (K1, K2, K3, K5)
  • CO5 Equip the students with specific knowledge on structure and functions of armed forces. (K1, K2, K4)

I year – II Semester

  • CO1 சிற்றிலக்கியங்களின்வழி இலக்கியச்‌ சுவையினையும்‌ பண்பாட்டு அறிவினையும்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K4)
  • CO2   புதுக்கவிதை வரலாற்றினை அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 திராவிட இயக்க இலக்கியங்களைக்‌ கற்பதன்‌ மூலம்‌ மொழி உணர்வு இன உணர்வு, சமத்துவம்‌ சார்ந்த சிந்தனைகளைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K3)
  • CO4 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பிழையின்றி எழுதவும்‌, புதிய கலைச்சொற்களை உருவாக்கவும்‌ அறிந்து கொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO5 போட்டித்‌ தேர்வுகளில்‌ வெற்றி பெறுவதற்குத்‌ தமிழ்ப்‌ பாடத்தினைப் பயன்கொள்ளும்‌ வகையில்‌ பயிற்சி பெறுவர்‌.
  • CO1 To understand the Contemporary literary text in Telugu
  • CO2. To Explain the nature of Modern Poetry
  • O3 To Explain the Contemporary author style of writings
  • CO4 To evaluate the difference between the ancient and Contemporary Literature.
  • CO5 To use grammatical styles in writing.
  • CO1 To ask for and give directions
  • CO2 To give orders or commands using Impératif
  • CO3 To narrate events from the past using Passé Composé
  • CO4 Cite the ordinal numbers in French
  • CO5 Indicate the position of something using prepositions of place
  • CO1 Identifies the nature, features, elements of One Act Plays and Short Stories and skills of Translation
  • CO2 Understand the theme, aim of lessons and obtain skills of Evaluation.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study
  • CO5 Employ the techniques and skills of Literature and Translation
  • CO1 Student will identify the strategies of basic communication Write effective and concise letters and memos, Prepare informal and formal reports.
  • CO2 Students will interpret the official communication, and They will summaries the content of note making and letter formation in business communication. They will explain the use of different fonts and conversation in Malayalam
  • CO3, they solve the problems in various competitive examinations in Malayalam Students will obtain writing techniques that today’s technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction.
  • CO4 Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence. Use e-mail effectively and efficiently.
  • CO5 Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and professional relationships, and Utilize electronic presentation software.
  • CO1 Understand and apply grammatical concepts in drafting sentences and paragraphs
  • CO2 Apply the rules and regulations in handling usage of Lrt lakara and Asmad Sabdah, practice exercises and identify errors
  • CO3 Form an idea of the aesthetic expressions that make Sanskrit composition get the position of pride in world literature
  • CO4 Demonstrate knowledge of various expressions of opinion, emotions, cause, effect, purpose, and hypothesis in Sanskrit
  • CO5 Appreciate the art of employment of Alankaras in a prose form of poetry
  • CO1 Realize the importance of resilience
  • CO2 Become good decision-makers
  • CO3 Imbibe problem-solving skills
  • CO4 Use tenses appropriately
  • CO5 Use English effectively at the work place.
  • CO1 Discuss the warfare in ancient India with reference to military system in Vedic, Puranic, and epic ages also clarify the wars in the ancient period and explain the Mauriyan military system and appraise Kautilya’s philosophy of war and peace. with reference to the area’s invasion of India (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO2 Explain the warfare in the medieval India and the foundation of the Mughal emperor in India. (K1, K2, K3)
  • CO3 Outline the military system of south India with reference to Cheras, Cholas, and Pandyas (K1,K2, K3, K4) .
  • CO4 Describe the revival of Hindu monarchy. Explain the military system of Maratha’s under Shivaji, the rise of Sikhism and military system of maharaja Ranjit Singh. (K1, K2, K3, K5)
  • CO5 Assess the entry of the Europeans to India and explain the British conquest of Bengal, the rise of presidencies and evaluate the consequences of the first war of independence. (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO1 Describe the military system of Ancient Greece; Explain the ideas of Alexander’s military campaign, Battle plan and Battle tactics. (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO2 Explain the military system in Ancient Rome, List out and discuss the Carthaginian wars, Rise of Hannibal and Julius Caesar. (K1, K2, K3)
  • CO3 Evaluate the military reforms in Medieval period, describe the list of military system introduced by Gustavus Adolphus, outline the causes of French revolution and Explain the Napoleon’s Era. (K1, K2, K3, K4)
  • CO4 What are the causes and the results of the world war-I and explain the role of naval and Air power. (K1, K2, K3, K5)
  • CO5 What are the causes and the results of the world war-I and explain the outline role of naval and Air power. (K1, K2, K4)
  • CO1 To brief the concept of Leacock’s classification of Government with its merits and demerits and also distinguish between the parliamentary and presidential form of government. (K1,K2,K3,k4)
  • CO2 To introduce the concept of meaning and definition of democracy with merits and demerits and the necessary conditions. (K1, K2,K3,K4)
  • CO 3 It deals with the organs of the government and its function. (K1, K3, K4, K5)
  • CO4 To interpret the role of public opinion and its importance. (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Brief overview of electoral system and it’s process. (K1,K3,K4,K5)
  • CO1 Explain basic concepts of History of Human Rights, Meaning and Principles of Human rights (K1,K2,K3)
  • CO2 List of Human Rights and Abuses (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO3 Explain International Human Rights Norms-Humanitarian Law, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 Explain Human Rights and International Organizations—UNO, Human Rights Council, Security Council (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Explain National Human Rights Commission of India-Composition and Functions (K1,K3,K4)
  • CO1 தமிழ்மொழியைப்‌ பேசவும்‌ பிறர்‌ பேசுவதைப்‌ புரிந்துகொள்ளவும்‌ திறன் பெறுதல்‌. தமிழைப்‌ படிக்கவும்‌ எழுதவும்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்(K1, K2)
  • CO2 கடிதம்‌, விண்ணப்பம்‌, நிகழ்ச்சிக்‌ குறிப்புகள்‌ எழுதுதல்‌, தகவல்‌ தொடர்புச் சாதனங்களில்‌ தகவல்‌ எழுதுதல்‌ என அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ தமிழ்ப்பயன்பாட்டைக்‌ கற்றுக்கொள்வர்‌(K1, K3, K4)
  • CO3 தமிழின்‌ இலக்கிய வளத்தோடு தமிழரின்‌ அறக்‌ கோட்பாடுகளையும் தமிழரின்‌ வரலாற்று-பண்பாட்டுச்‌ செழுமையையும்‌ புரிந்துகொள்வர்.(K1, K2, K4)
  • CO4 தமிழறிஞர்களையும்‌ : படைப்பாளிகள்‌, அரசியல்‌ தலைவர்கள்‌, சிறந்த ஆளுமைகளைப்‌ பற்றி அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 தமிழர்‌ கலை, பண்பாடு, பழக்கவழங்கங்கள்‌, விளையாட்டுகள்‌, விழாக்கள்‌, தமிழரின்‌ தனித்த அடையாளங்கள்‌, சிறப்புகள்‌ ஆகியவற்றைஅறிவதோடு,

    அவரவர்‌ மண்ணுகுரிய கலைப்‌ பண்பாட்டோடு ஒப்பிட்டுப்புரிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)

  • CO1 உரைநடை இலக்கியத்தின்‌ பெருமைகளை உணர்ந்து, அதனை அன்றாட வாழ்வில்‌ பயன்படுத்தும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்‌(K2, K3)

  • CO2 பண்டைத்‌ தமிழ்‌ இலக்கியங்கள்‌ காட்டும்‌ சமூக, பண்பாட்டு, வாழ்வியல்  முறைகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K1, K3,K4)
  • CO3 காப்பியக்‌ கட்டமைப்புகளை இன்றைய புதினம்‌, திரைப்படங்கள் ஆகியவற்றுடன்‌ ஒப்பிட்டுக்‌ காணும்‌ அறிவைப்‌ பெறுவர்(K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 தமிழ்‌ இலக்கிய மரபினையும்‌ மாற்றங்களையும்‌ ஆய்ந்து உணரும் ஆற்றல்‌ பெறுவர்‌.(K1,K4,K5,K6)
  • CO5 மொழிபெயர்ப்புத்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவதோடு, அன்றாட வாழ்வின்‌ தேவைகளான பல்வகை அலுவலகக்‌ கடிதங்கள்‌ எழுதும்‌ திறன்‌ பெறுவர்.(K4,K5,K6)
  • CO1 Concept of Crime, Classification of Crimes and Characteristics of Crime (K1,K2,K3)
  • CO2 Nature and scope of Criminology, and Fundamentals of Criminal law (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO3 Introduction, Definition and Different types of Crime Organizations (K1,K3,K4,K5)
  • CO4 Explain the White Collar Crimes in India, White Collar Crime in certain professions (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Explain the terms of Alcoholism, Drug Addiction and Crime. (K1,K3,K4,K5)

II year – III Semester

  • CO1  தமிழக வரலாற்றை அறிந்துகொள்வர்‌.(K4)
  • CO2 தமிழரின்‌ வாழ்வியல்‌ தொன்மையை அறிவர்᾽.(K5,K6)
  • CO3 தமிழரின்‌ பண்பாட்டுக்‌ கூறுகளை அறிந்துகொள்வர்(K3)
  • CO4 பிற பண்பாட்டுத்‌ தாக்கம்‌ மற்றும்‌ அணுகுமுறைகளை அறிவர்‌.(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the significance of the modern literary works.
  • CO2 To Explain the nature of modern style of writings
  • CO3 To evaluate the culture through modern literary works.
  • CO4 To identify the Influence between Traditional and Modern literary works.
  • CO5 To interpret the various styles of fictions in Telugu
  • CO1 Identify and appreciate the construction and the structure of different tenses and sentences
  • CO2 Translate simple texts
  • CO3 Draft and summarize literary texts
  • CO4 Apply the grammatical rules to express one’s ideas using different tenses
  • CO5 Analyze literary texts with respect to their structure and composition
  • CO1 Identifies the Ancient Poets their works, and impact of contemporary conditions of society and ancient History of Hindi Literature
  • CO2 Understand the theme, message, expressional and artistic skills.
  • CO3 Evaluate the thought, ideology, expressional and artistic skills of writers and contextual meanings and literary trends of Ancient History
  • CO4 Obtain skills of summarizing, evaluating and critical study and of poems
  • CO5 Employ the techniques of interpretation and contextual meaning of texts
  • CO1 Students will interpret the literary texts in Modern Poetry
  • CO2 They will summaries the content of the different types of poems
  • CO3 They will explain the form and content of the poems
  • CO4 They interpret the style of contemporary poetry
  • CO5 CO5 They will understand aesthetic beauty
  • CO1 Be familiar with the style of the great Sanskrit Dramatist Bhasa
  • CO2 Be able to appreciate the aesthetical, social, political, cultural, etc., values expressed in prescribed composition
  • CO3 Understand the structural patterns of Sanskrit dramatic composition
  • CO4 Develop the finer and minor nuances of Nataka form of drama
  • CO5 Analyze the literary texts
  • CO1 Listen actively(PO1, PO7)
  • CO2 Develop interpersonal relationship skills(PO1, PO2, PO 10)
  • CO3 Acquire self-confidence to cope with stress(PO4, PO6, PO9)
  • CO4 Master grammar skills(PO4, PO5, PO6)
  • CO5 Carry out business communication effectively(PO3,PO8)
  • CO1 Discuss the concept of India’s National Values and Foreign Policy (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO2 To understand the DefenceOrganisational Framework K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO3 Discuss the mechanics of national security. Identify and explain different types of threat and explain threat perception, threat assessment, threat analysis and policy formulation. (K1,K3,K4,K5)
  • CO4 Analyse, evaluate and assess the importance of national security concept in its totality and draw linkages with foreign and defence policies. (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 To identify and analyze the various internal threats and its implications (K1,K3,K4,K5)
  • CO1 Define the basic compound and outline the functions of theories of the state( K1,K2,K3)
  • CO2 Define the national powers and outline the foreign policy and explain the role of state system( K1,K2,K4)
  • CO3 List out the various theories in IR and explain the categorize and evaluate the significance of the state system (K1,K3,K5)
  • CO4 Define and explain the basics concepts of diplomacy and explain the foreign policy (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Define the concept of collective security and explain the concept of balance of power and analyze the international law and the deterrence (K1,K3,K5)
  • CO 1 Explain basic concepts of origin und development of peace and conflict studies. (KI,K2,K3)
  • CO 2 List of Theories of Conflict and its Typologies of conflict. (KI,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO 3 Explain Concept, Types, Levels, Democratic and Approaches to Peace. (K1,K3,K4)
  • CO 4 Explain the Concept of Conflict Resolution, Management. Settlement, Prevention, Regulation and Conflict Transformation (KI.K2.K3.K4)
  • CO 5 Explain Peacemaking, Peace Keeping and Peace Building (KI.K3,K4)
  • CO1 Explain the Location and Physical Environment( K1,K2,K3)
  • CO2 Cultural Patterns, Population Dimension, Rural and Urban India(K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO3 Basics of Indian Economy-Resources and Life Lines of Economy (K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 Constitution of India-Its Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights Directive Principles of State Policy (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Causes of India’s Social Disharmony-Poverty, Illiteracy and Social Backwardness.( K1,K3,K4)
  • CO1 Explain basic concepts of origin and development of peace and conflict studies( K1,K2,K3) .
  • CO2 List of Theories of Conflict and its Typologies of conflict.( K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO3 Explain Concept, Types, Levels, Democratic and Approaches to Peace.( K1,K3,K4)
  • CO4 Explain the Concept of Conflict Resolution, Management, Settlement, Prevention, Regulation and Conflict Transformation (K1,K2,K3,K4)
  • CO5 Explain Peacemaking, Peace Keeping and Peace Building (K1,K3,K4)

II year – IV Semester

  • CO1 தாய்மொழி வழியாக அறிவியல்‌ பற்றிச்‌ சிந்திக்கும்‌ திறன்‌ பெற்றிருப்பர்(K4)
  • CO2 அறிவியல்‌ கலைச்‌ சொல்லாக்கம்‌ பற்றிய விதிகள்‌, நுணுக்கங்களைத் தெரிந்திருப்பர்(K5,K6)
  • CO3 அறிவியல்‌ தமிழ்‌ வளர்ச்சியில்‌ மொழிபெயர்ப்பின்‌ பங்கு குறித்து அறிந்திருப்பர்(K3)
  • CO4 மொழியறிவோடு சிந்தனைத்திறனைப்‌ பெறுவர்‌᾽(K3)
  • CO5 மொழிப்பயிற்சிக்குத்‌ தேவையான இலக்கணங்களைக்‌ கற்பர்(K2)
  • CO1 To understand the rich trading of Telugu Drama
  • CO2. To Explain nature of Drama of Telugu)
  • CO3 To describe the nature of understandings in Drama
  • CO4 To evaluate the culture of the society through Drama.
  • CO5 To brief the content of the techniques of translation composition
  • CO1 Apply connecting words (cause, but, concession, condition, hypothèse, conséquence) to improve the spoken as well as written communication skills
  • CO2 Differentiate the various past tenses in “Les Temps du Passé” and their unique usage
  • CO3 Summarize the literary texts
  • CO4 Identify and apply the different grammatical tenses of “les temps du passé” in sample exercises to practice
  • CO5 Critically assess the literary texts through an analysis of its themes, narrative techniques, characters and its cultural significance
  • CO1 Evaluate the poetic skills of poets and their poems
  • CO2 Identify the conditions inspire the poets and writers
  • CO3 Enumerate the literary trends and different literary forms
  • CO4 Understand the human, social, ethical and literary values
  • CO5 Obtain the knowledge to evaluate and critical analysis of literary works
  • CO1 Students will be able to word as :Photo editor ∙ Web designer ∙ Graphic designer ∙ DTP Operator ∙ Logo Designer ∙ Digital illustrator ∙ Pattern Maker ∙ Stationary Designer etc
  • CO2 Students will interpret the different styles photo shops
  • CO3 They will apply different images and lay outs for invitation making
  • CO4 They will explain the style of caption writing
  • CO5 They interpret the style of contemporary high resolution technology for brochure making literary works
  • CO6 They will understand aesthetic beauty image construction
  • CO7 They obtain the style of image construction
  • CO1 Apply the usage of compound words
  • CO2 Differentiate the alankaras
  • CO3 Translate the prose passages prescribed
  • CO4 Identify and apply different grammatical tenses of “Mahabharata” related translation
  • CO5 Analyze and critically assess the literary texts
  • CO1 Determine their goals( PO1,PO7)
  • CO2 Identify the value of integrity.(PO1,PO2,PO10)
  • CO3 Deal with emotions.(PO4,PO6,PO9)
  • CO4 Frame grammatically correct sentences(PO4,PO5,PO6)
  • CO5 Write cohesive reports.(PO3,PO8)
  • CO1 To define various types of Security K1,K2,K3
  • CO2 To identify and assess various types and its effects on environment K1,K2,K4
  • CO2 To identify and assess various types and its effects on environment K1,K2,K4
  • CO4 To understand the importance of energy security and its implication on National Security K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 To assess the impact of Economy on National Security K1,K3,K5
  • CO1 Explain basic concepts of Terrorism, Meaning and history of terrorism. K1,K2,K3
  • CO2 List of its causes and dimensions of terrrorism K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO3 Explain the issues and challenges of terrorism in India K1,K3,K4
  • CO4 Analyse issues of through case studies K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 Understand various counter terror mechanisms K1,K3,K4
  • Define communication and leadership as concepts K1
  • Identify and list out challenges of effective communication K1 & K2
  • Specialize the tools and techniques of presentation such as power point and use of electronic methods K4 & K5
  • Identify leadership qualities as seen in the context of military and defence personnel K2 & K4
  • Familiarize the use of communication through prominent military personnel and case examples K3 & K5

III year – V Semester

  • CO1 Define strategic thought; explain the motives of strategic thought K1,K2,K3
  • CO2 Find the evolution of strategic theories from ancient to modern world and compare the importance. K1,K2,K4
  • CO3 Explain the laws of neutrality and its manifestations- Assess the feature of rights of angary; contraband and the doctrine of continuous voyage K1,K3,K5
  • CO4 Evaluate the role of international law in settlement of international disputes. Assess the legal character of war and outline the features of enemy character. K1,K2,K3,K4.
  • CO5 Explain the legal mechanism like Blockade, prize court etc. Analyse the structure, role and functioning of International Court of Justice K1,K3,K5
  • CO1 Define Journalism. Discuss the meaning relevance and scope of formation. Outline the structure and functioning of News organisation, media, kinds of Media and its characteristics K1,K2,K3
  • CO2 Explain the purpose and meaning of defence News, Kinds and Source of News, Various threats of news selections. K1,K2,K4
  • CO3 Describe the significance of Defence stories and explain the format, language and grammar required. Explain the kinds of reporting, importance of eye witness, the use of graphics and animation and to state the importance of interviewing skills. K1,K3,K5
  • CO4 Explain the importance of editing. Define military terms, proof reading, caption writing and picture editing. K1,K2,K3,K4 c
  • CO5 Identify and outline the hurdles in defence writing, discuss the importance of media ethics, media laws and explain the importance of visual media. K1,K3,K5
  • CO1 Define the fundamental concepts, explain and to show the economic merits and demerits K1,K2,K3,K4 .
  • CO2 Define the concept of public finance, analyze and evaluate public expenditure and Defence budget. K1,K2,K3,K4 .
  • CO3 CO3 Show the effects of war by inflation, Identify the impact, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of mobilization of resources K1,K3,K4,K5
  • CO4 List out the importance of the salient features and explain the conclusion steps involved in planning K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 Show the role and contribution, function and outline of DPSUs and Private sector in Defence Production and RD. K1,K3,K4,K5
  • CO1 To list out the various functions of Defence organization and its Role during war and peace time, and various defence organization with the Chiefs hierarchy with the Joint Service organization. K1,K2,K3
  • CO2 To distinguish the static Organizations of Military and Paramilitary forces of India and their roles. K1,K2,K4 .
  • CO3 To bring out the various organizations and its functions of intelligence agencies related to Defence. K1,K3,K5
  • CO4 To understand the concept of Defence mechanism of various major power countries. K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 To examine the process of recruiting in the armed forces and its Procedures to be followed. K1,K3,K5
  • CO1 List out the concept, meaning, definition and scope of limited wars. Explain the causes, course and Identify the consequences of the Korean war. K1,K2,K3 .
  • CO2 Name the causes and explain the main events and the important lesson learnt during the Vietnam war. K1,K2,K4 /span>
  • CO3 Explain the causes, the course and the lessons learnt during the ArabIsraeli wars K1,K3,K5
  • CO4 Assess and evaluate the significance of Iran-Iraq. Explain the causes, the major highlights, results and the impact of the war. K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 Assess and evaluate the causes, course and the consequences of Gulf war-I &II. Examine the role of UNO K1,K3,K5
  • CO1 Explain the Concept and types of disasters K1,K2, K3
  • CO2 Demonstrate the importance to study disasters K1,K2,K4
  • CO3 Identify various management techniques of disaster K1,K3,K5
  • CO4 Assess various training awareness programes on disaster management K1,K2,K3,K4
  • CO5 To corelate the learnings with the case-studies K1,K3,K5

III year – VI Semester

  • CO1 Define strategic thought; explain the motives of strategic thought K1,K2,K3  
  • . CO2 Find the evolution of strategic theories from ancient to modern world and compare the importance. K1,K2,K4 4 
  • CO3 Label the existing strategic theories to contemporary world to construct or develop new strategic ideas K1,K3,K5  
  • CO4 Define strategic thinkers, construct their ideas and explain about their importance views. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO5 Name the importance take part in discussions on strategic thought and elaborate your opinion. K1,K3,K5  
  • CO1 Name the important Outline the challenges of the partition of the British Indian army. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO2 Name the causes and demonstrate the course consequences and examine the specific military lessons learnt during indo pak war 1947- 48 K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO3 List out the events and explain the causes of Sino-Indian war of 1962 the important operation of war and the major military lessons learnt K1,K3,K4,K5  
  • CO4 List out the major causes of indo-Pak war of 1965, explain the importance role of Artillery. Explain the origin, causes course and consequences of indo-Pak war of 1971 K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO5 Define the major internal security operations, evaluate and elaborate reference to Operation Blue star, Operation Rhino and Operation Vijay. K1,K3,K4,K5  
  • CO1 List out the evolution of the nuclear era since 1945, explain the basics of nuclear technology, nuclear energy and evaluate its uses and abuses. K1,K2,K3  
  • CO2 Define the development of missiles, examine its classifications, Explain the characteristics and evolution of nuclear theories. K1,K2,K4 K1,K2,K3,K4 
  • CO3 Define the salient features of different treaties like PTBT,,CTBT,ABM,SALT-I,SALT-II, INF,START,NPT. K1,K3,K5 s
  • CO4 Name the significance of chemical and biological weapon conventions. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO5 Evaluate and explain India’s contribution towards disarmament and arms control. K1,K3,K5 .
  • CO1 To brief the idea of administration and management in Defence perspective. K1,K2,K3 K1,K2,K3 
  • CO2 List out the steps in planning process in order to develop the skill of better decision Making. K1,K2,K4  
  • CO3 To examine the process of organizing in Defence sector. K1,K3,K5  
  • CO4 To identify the process of staffing and the selection procedure behind it. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO5 Defining the leadership in military, morale and motivation in the management of Defence sectors. K1,K3,K5  
  • CO1 Define psychological warfare. Explain the different types and techniques of psychological warfare. Summarize the effects of psychological warfare. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO2 Explain the concept and characteristics of chemical and biological warfare. Discuss the effects of chemical and biological aspects. Distinguish between Chemical Warfare and Biological warfare. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO3 Discuss the concept of Guerilla warfare, its characteristics. Distinguish between Guerilla warfare, Insurgency and terrorism. K1,K3,K4,K5 /span> 
  • CO4 Explain the concept and origin of Nuclear warfare, the development of nuclear weapons and it’s the impact of nuclear explosion. K1,K2,K3,K4  
  • CO5 Define Terrorism and Outline the causes of terrorism and explain the types and form of terrorism. K1,K3,K4,K5  
  • CO1 Explain the definition, meaning, scope of industrial security. Analyze various types of industries and their specific needs
  • CO2 Explain the means and concepts in security awareness. Outline the relevance and scope of cyber security and forensic sciences.
  • CO3 Demonstrate the role and functions of private security servicepreventive security, protective security, deductive security, and punitive security services.
  • CO4 Identify the various types of security fences and their standards and their security planning process
  • CO5 Evaluate the security parameters of industries and assess their roles and functions towards their goals