

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

Agurchand Manmull Jain College

(A Unit of Sri. S. S. Jain Educational Society)
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Meenambakkam, Chennai – 600 061.

American Resource Centre

American Resource Centre

Institutional Membership - American Resource Centre

Location and contact

United States Consulate General, Gemini Circle, Mount Road, Chennai - 600 006.

Our College has institutional membership with the American Resource Centre, Chennai.  Our   Library members can borrow up to 4 books for a period of three weeks, one DVD and 2 back issues of periodicals for three weeks. Users can also avail of the following services American Resource Centre, Circulation Service, Reference Service, OPAC (online public Access Catalogue), Resource Sharing (Inter-Library Loan), Multimedia Resource Service, online databases, NPTEL e-learning Facility, User Education Program, Tele / Video Conferencing & Wi-Fi connection enabled Library. AMJC users can approach the Librarian and get Membership cards.